Monday 6 April 2009

Healthy Eating – Meal Plans to get you in shape for summer!

This week I want to concentrate on the #2 Strategy for Losing Weight. Any idea on what the #2 Strategy for Weight Loss is?

If you guess nutrition then give yourself a pat on the back. Yes Nutrition is the #2 Strategy.

I guess you are now wondering what the #1 Strategy for Weight Loss is?!! It’s not exercise! That comes in at #3.

The #1 Strategy for Weight Loss is Social Support – the support of your partner, your family, your friends and your trainer.

Any way, moving on to nutrition, I wanted to give you some ideas of how to put together a healthy eating plan. Everyone has individual tastes so this might not be for everyone but hopefully it gives you an idea of the types of food and the volume of food you should eat to lose weight.

I have given a number of different options for each meal.

Let me know what you think.


Start the day with two glasses of water and a cup of green tea, black tea or black coffee (add a small amount of milk if necessary).

• Porridge with skimmed or semi skimmed milk, ½ oz nuts plus blueberries.
• Porridge with skimmed or semi skimmed milk, ½ oz sunflower and/or pumpkin seeds plus strawberries.
• 2 eggs (poached or scrambled) on 2 pieces wholemeal toast plus one piece of fruit
• 2 egg omelette with spinach, mushrooms and low fat cheese
• 3 shredded wheat with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, banana and glass of orange juice
• 3 weetabix with skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, strawberries and a tablespoon of yoghurt
• Super Shake (see list of shakes)

Morning Snack:

Drink two glasses of water and a cup of green tea, black tea or black coffee (add a small amount of milk if necessary) during the morning.

• 1 oz of almonds or walnuts and 1 apple
• Pineapple chunks, blueberries and 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese
• ½ serving of lunch/dinner option
• 1 sliced apple with 150g low fat yoghurt
• Super shake
• Peanut butter sandwich on wholemeal bread
• Home made muesli bar (ask me for a recipe)


Drink two glasses of water with lunch.

• Chicken breast and stir fry veggies with ½ cup wholemeal pasta and 1 oz cashew nuts
• Chicken breast with mixed salad leaves drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and a piece of fruit
• Salmon and spinach salad drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and a piece of fruit

Afternoon Snack:

Drink two glasses of water and a cup of green tea, black tea or black coffee (add a small amount of milk if necessary) during the afternoon.

• 1 oz of almonds or walnuts and 1 apple
• Pineapple chunks, blueberries and 1 cup of low fat cottage cheese
• ½ serving of lunch/dinner option
• 1 sliced apple with 150g low fat yoghurt
• Super shake
• Peanut butter sandwich on wholemeal bread
• Home made muesli bar (ask me for a recipe)


Drink two glasses of water with dinner.

• Lean steak with broccoli and salad and extra virgin olive oil and fruit salad
• Chicken breast and stir fry veggies with ½ cup wholemeal pasta and 1 oz cashew nuts
• Salmon and ½ cup of brown rice and broccoli and salad and extra virgin olive oil
• Turkey breast and asparagus and salad and extra virgin olive oil
• Grilled white fish with sweet potato, carrots and courgettes

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