Tuesday 29 September 2009

The 7 Essential Rules To Optimum Health & Weight Loss

Finding the right explanation on how to lose weight sounds tricky since the web is overloaded with information. One click away, right at your fingertips you can view thousand of searches and with large quantity of information at hand, you’ll be assured that every query has an answer. Perhaps, the only problem that you’ll encounter is how to filter this information so you can get the best solution for your dilemma.

Having said so, here are the 7 Essential Rules To Optimum Health & Weight Loss (based on Ockham’s Razor) that will surely help you aim your ideal weight in no time.

1. Eating the REAL Food
Do you ever seize how many grams of protein, sodium or saturated fat you take daily? Our schedules may seem unpredictable but it is not an apology to stop counting our calorie consumption.

In this day and age, we always rely on processed foodstuff. However, it is still best and safe to buy real food such as unpreserved fruits and vegetables, naturally raised meat and fish, water instead of soda, among others. If possible as well, avoid eating at fast foods habitually and start preparing a home-cooked meal as an alternative since package and convenient foods are often higher in sodium and fat content.

Studies shows that splurging on nutritious real food, your body feels nourished as regards to eating those common processed food products available. Also, when eating healthy food, there is no need to binge more often because you feel full.

2. Live Life Actively
Our authorities always recommend in treating ourselves with a 30-60 minutes physical activity daily in order to stay in good physical shape.

Hitting the gym is for all time considered a good support as long as you are serious with your work-out program. Aside from this, you can also enjoy trying new things like playing a new sport with family members, hiking with friends, playing Frisbee or volleyball in the beach, or even walking your dog in the park.

3. Get some sunshine
This actually goes hand in hand with No. 2 suggestion. Unless you are experiencing a bad weather, you don’t need to force yourself to go out and sweat.

Before you get yourself busy, jumpstart your day with a just-out-of-the-bed workout. Go out to your veranda or to a nearby park and literally workout before your day distracts you. The morning sweating can make you sharper all day given that exercise enhances the secretion of neurotransmitters.

4. Constantly strive to improve in order to see change
If you are stuck with the same routine day in and day out (e.g. lifting same weights, running the same course, etc) you would see that no matter how you push yourself, there is still no improvement in your body.

The best trick that you can do is to venture out of your comfort zone. Start setting on goals and break that last record you’ve had. As the saying goes, forever strive for the better and don’t fail to seek improvement. Hence, if you are comfortable on running a 5Km in 30 minutes, why not aspire or plan for 25 minutes next time and see for yourself the changes in both in mind and body.

5. Get enough sleep
Depriving yourself of 7 to 9 hours of good, quality sleep on a daily basis will result on eating too much since your body needs energy in order to focus on the present day’s responsibilities.

Sleep also regulates our hormones, thus it facilitates in killing off the bad bacteria that accumulated in your gut all through the day. Also, when we are sleeping, it is the best occasion for our body to repair its tissues – most especially our muscles.

6. Practice Active Recovery
Often times, when we pander to strenuous physical activities, our bodies therefore experience stress. It is always advisable to have a balance intense activity by means of a calming, stress management exercise (such as yoga) so that even after a good work-out, you would feel relaxed and contented.

7. Use Natural Movements
There are five natural movements that you can integrate on your physical activity– Squatting, Lunging (which includes walking & running), Pushing, Pulling and Rotation. Experts say that if you want to increase results and live healthy, you should exercise and move naturally, and your physical activity should at least consists one of these movements.

You don’t need to follow all these rules at once. Remember that pressuring yourself is a “shotgun” approach and might lead into inconsistency. Just adhere to these 7 rules day after day and you’ll be happy to see the results while living a more fulfilling life.

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