Thursday 5 May 2011

Feel Fabulous Everyday!

1) Easy on the sodas, iced tea, and fruit juice. The sugars in these drinks secretly sabotage your diet, and sodas and iced tea add unnecessary caffeine into your system. Your best bet? Water. Not only is it healthier for you, it’s also free.

2) Learn how to take a power nap! Pilots and astronauts do it, and so do Japanese businessmen on their lunch break, so why not you, too? Fifteen minutes of quality snooze will energize you for the rest of the day, just make sure to set an alarm to wake you up.

3) Do any kind of stretching or casual exercise at home— stretch when you wake up or while watching TV, play tag with your kids, or dance with the music on the radio.

4) Keep in mind that rest is just as important as exercise!

5) Receive compliments with a smile. Be kind to others. A rude person does not look fabulous at all.

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