Friday 29 July 2011

How To Lead a Well-Balanced Life

Everyone longs to be healthy and happy. After all, what's the point in working hard toward a long and healthy life if you can't enjoy it? While focusing on a healthy lifestyle by exercising and eating right is great for your body, balanced living means protecting your mental and emotional health, too. And stress reduction needs to be at the top of your to-do list.

Balanced living means considering all aspects of your life: relationships, work, fitness and health, and emotional well-being.

Being happy gives you a better outlook on life, so you're more prepared to tackle your tasks. Stress, on the other hand, can keep you from enjoying life and can have a negative impact on your health. Research also has shown that stress can stifle creativity.

Make time to take care of yourself and indulge in creative outlets you enjoy to help with stress reduction:

* Schedule time each week to allow yourself to de-stress, and spend a few minutes on relaxation each day.
* Get up a few minutes early in the morning to savor a cup of coffee and some quiet time before everyone else wakes up.
* Make daily activities more fun — try a new ethnic recipe for dinner, take a long aromatherapy soak instead of a quick shower, or listen to new music or learn a new language while you commute to work.
* Devote time each week to a hobby you love or to learning a new one you’ve always wanted to try; art classes in particular are stimulating and rewarding.
* Instead of just sitting at your desk and gobbling down lunch while you keep working, spend your lunch hour doing things you enjoy, like going for a walk, taking an exercise break, or reading a book.
* Don’t forget to laugh. It’s great for your health and can help:
o Alleviate stress
o Fight off infections
o Boost brain health
o Lower blood pressure
o Improve your mood

source: healthyliving

Tuesday 26 July 2011

The future's orange

Eating lots of yellow-orange fruit and vegetables will help you live longer.

According to a study, people with high levels of alpha-carotene (beta-carotene's less well-known cousin) in their blood have a smaller risk of dying early. Alpha-carotene plays a crucial role in defending the DNA in cells from attack, which may explain its ability to limit the type of tissue damage that can trigger illness.

Rich sources of alpha-carotene include yellow-orange fruit and veg such as carrots, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, mango, and cantaloupe melon.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Why Sugar Is Dangerous To Depression

Eating lots of sugar is going to give you sudden peaks and troughs in the amount of glucose in your blood; symptoms that this is going on include fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, excessive sweating (especially at night), poor concentration and forgetfulness, excessive thirst, depression and crying spells, digestive disturbances and blurred vision. Since the brain depends on an even supply of glucose it is no surprise to find that sugar has been implicated in aggressive behavior, anxiety, and depression, and fatigue.

Lots of refined sugar and refined carbohydrates (meaning white bread, pasta, rice and most processed foods,) is also linked with depression because these foods not only supply very little in the way of nutrients but they also use up the mood enhancing B vitamins; turning each teaspoon of sugar into energy needs B vitamins. In fact, a study of 3,456 middle-aged civil servants, published in British Journal of Psychiatry found that those who had a diet which contained a lot of processed foods had a 58% increased risk for depression, whereas those whose diet could be described as containing more whole foods had a 26% reduced risk for depression.

Sugar also diverts the supply of another nutrient involved in mood – chromium. This mineral is vital for keeping your blood sugar level stable because insulin, which clears glucose from the blood, can’t work properly without it.

Friday 15 July 2011

Reward Yourself!

After your gym workout, I know you are longing for a reward. Let's facet it, everyone deserves a little reward from time to time — and it doesn’t have to mean taking a diet detour.

Here are five guiltless ways to reward yourself for your accomplishments.

1. Treat yourself ...
to a day at the salon or spa. A pedicure, facial, or massage can really keep your spirits high. Or better yet, treat yourself to a high-end haircut or new color to accentuate your newfound confidence.

2. Hit the stores ...
and purchase something you’ve been eyeing, like an outfit, a new book, or a piece of jewelry. Or invest in something that will help you reach your goals, such as walking sneakers, workout apparel, or even a gym membership.

3. Have a "night (or day) out"...
that doesn't revolve around dinner. Instead, after a healthy meal at home, go out to a movie or play. Another idea is to spend a day doing something active: Sign up for tennis lessons, try rock climbing, walk around a museum, or rent a bike and explore a new neighborhood.

4. Buy yourself ...
some fresh-cut flowers to decorate your home or office. They’ll brighten up your day and serve as a reminder of your success.

5. Take a bubble bath ...
and enjoy some quiet "me" time to help you focus on your success and stay on track.

source: southbeachdiet

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Avoid Overeating

For those of us who are used to restaurant-size meals, it can be hard to know what a sensible starting portion is. When it's time to sit down to a meal, try these tactics to avoid overeating:

1. Eat slowly and savor your food. It may seem like an obvious point to make, but remember — it takes 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that you are full!

2. Begin your meal with a salad or a clear broth as soup.

3. Drink water before and throughout the meal. If you're having trouble slowing down when you eat, put your fork down halfway though your meal and take a minute to sip some water.

4. Chop some of your favorite fresh vegetables and place them on the table with the rest of your dinner. Snack on them frequently, and have another handful when you finish the rest of what's on your plate. Don't like raw veggies? Cook them up instead, and give yourself a generous amount.

5. To avoid unnecessary second helpings, assemble your plate of food and then wrap up and store any leftovers before you begin eating.

source: southbeachdiet

Sunday 10 July 2011

10 Tips for Taking Care of Your Back

As you grow older, the likelihood of getting back pain increases. This can be caused by overworked muscles coping with abnormal posture.

If you’re worried about getting back pain—especially if you work in an office that has you hunched in front of the computer all day, here are some tips that will help prevent you from getting it.

1. Sit up straight, don’t slouch, and walk tall.
2. Develop strong back and abdominal muscles to help support your upper body.
3. Stay in your ideal weight range to avoid straining your spine.
4. Sitting puts a greater load on the lower back than standing or walking. While doing computer work, watching TV, or reading, make sure to get up and move around.
5. Buy comfortable chairs, sofas, mattresses, and pillows. Replace furniture that cause back discomfort.
6. If you must carry heavy bags, distribute the weight evenly on both arms. Wear backpacks over both shoulders, not just one.
7. Use an infant carrier that can be slung over both shoulders. Better yet, bring a stroller.
8. When picking up a heavy load, bend your knees and not your waist, keep the load close to your body, and lift without jerking.
9. Strained your back? Take a couple of days off for bed rest. Apply a hot compress to the painful area for 20 minutes at a time. As the pain eases, do some gentle stretching exercises.
10. Stay fit and active. Exercise can stretch shortened muscles, build strength and endurance, and maintain mobility of joints.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

The Awful Truth about Cellulite + 4 Food Items That Can Combat It

The truth is, nobody dies from cellulite, though some of us may agonize about it like the plague.

Strictly speaking, cellulite is a cosmetic problem. It isn't a disease, though if it were, it would already be an epidemic. Ninety percent of women who have gone through puberty are affected by some form of cellulite. The good thing is, if you have it, the only "dying" you ever have to fear is from embarrassment. That is, if a little "orange peel," as cellulite's texture is often described, bothers you that much.

Most also have some idea that cellulite is the result of pockets of fat stored under the skin, but only a few bother to find out why it appears, what causes its appearance, and most of all, what can be done about it. This is because it is widely believed that cellulite, like those stubborn stretch marks, can never be completely erased--an idea that even many doctors share.

Quick test: Do you have cellulite? here's how to find out: Pinch the skin of your thigh between both hands. If there is a dimpling on the pinched area, you have it. For some women, cellulite is visible even without pinching.

Cellulite is the term used to describe the fat deposits under the skin that outwardly give the skin a dimpled or orange peel-like appearance. It usually appears on the thighs, hips, and buttocks due to estrogen production, but can also show up in the inner knees, hips, lower abdomen, and upper arms.

Awful truth # 1: You are already predisposed to cellulite simply because you're a woman.
Cellulite is most often seen in women because the fat in the female body is arranged in large chambers separated by columns of collagen fibers. In overweight people, excess fat is stuffed in these compartments, causing them to bulge outward. On the surface of the skin, the bulging provides the dimply appearance of cellulite, especially in areas such as the hips, buttocks, and thighs.

Although some men have cellulite, women have a natural propensity for them because of the formation of their connective tissue bands is different due to hormonal changes.

Awful truth #2: Even skinny women have cellulite.
A common misconception is that only people who are overweight can get cellulite. These pockets of fat in our leg area, arms, tummy, and buttocks usually appear when our metabolism slows down due to age or lack of exercise or when we start to gain weight around the hips and waist.

Awful truth # 3: If your mom has cellulite, chances are you'll have it, too!
Cellulite is predetermined by genetics so that even thin women can develop the appearance. Factors such as hormones, pregnancy, and aging all contribute to the weakening of collagen fibers which in turn gives cellulite its appearance. Other factors that can cause cellulite are tension, fatigue, stress, smoking, lack of exercise, alcohol, drugs, and rich food.

There are two types of cellulite: the fatty type and the one caused by water retention. Fatty cellulite is stubborn, persistent, and can be determined by soft hips, thighs, and buttocks. They are caused by a fat-rich diet and lack of physical activity. The one caused by water retention is soft to the touch. It is triggered by poor blood circulation and inactivity.

But there are certain food that can help you combat cellulite. Read on and find out what these are as well as which ones you should avoid.

Lecithin strengthens skin, making it harder for cellulite to show through.

Essential fatty acids help repair the skin's connective tissues. Go for cold water fish (such as wild salmon, albacore tuna, and pacific halibut), nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), olive oil, and canola oil.

Foods rich in amino acids include poultry, fish, cheese, (especially soy cheese or those made from non-fat milk), milk (ideally skim or non-fat), eggs, and soy.

Look for berries, pomegranates, red grapes, carrots, sweet potatoes, kiwis, and leafy greens. Fruits and vegetables are packed with antioxidants, which help protect you from tissue damage. Broccoli, spinach, and peas are also good for the skin as they help fight free radical damage, which we can get from pollution and stress.

Also try to avoid the following: red meat and pork, heavily processed and high-fat cheese; and sugar-loaded snacks like cakes, pastries, cookies, and candy.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

You Can Dance

Thinking of spicing up your regular schedule with a new dance routine? After all, dancing can be a liberating from of self-expression, which can easily take you out of a slump. It’s also a great way to exercise, as it not only gives an edgy twist to a normal fitness routine, but also lets you work out your entire body as well. But with the number of options available, choosing a dance routine can be tricky.

Monday 4 July 2011

6 Ways to Control Calories While Dating

Here are tips to avoid weight gain during the early stages of a relationship:

* Be honest. Don’t be afraid to say that you are trying to lose weight and ask for help rather than hindrance, Stettner says. If you don’t speak up, your partner may not know you’d prefer to meet at Saladworks rather than the pizza parlor or at an ice cream shop that also has low-fat yogurt for you instead of pastries. You will get to know a lot about your new partner when you see how they respond to your request. “I always advise discussing eating habits if they’re an issue,” Metsovas says. “Don’t wait until the habits become so unbearable that they inevitably affect your relationship. Explain to your partner how you feel after you eat X, and how overeating, especially unhealthy foods, could hinder your relationship by its effect on your mood and well-being.”

* Check out menus in advance. When you make a date and pick a restaurant, go online and look at the menu to see if there are foods that you can eat. You may need to ask that a dish be prepared broiled rather than fried, or for the chef to substitute marinara for a cream sauce. If the only option is fried, suggest going somewhere else.

* Be the last to order. When you’re dining in a group, this tip has two advantages, Stettner says. One is that everyone else, having put in their order, will be talking and won’t notice what you do. Second, you won’t feel as self-conscious if you hold up the waiter and request changes to a menu item to fit your diet plan. “When you’re the last one to order, you can fine-tune what you’re ordering and do so more discreetly,” says Stettner.

* Snack first. Don’t be starving when you meet a new friend for dinner. When you’re famished, you can’t help overeating. Metsovas’ favorite snack is a handful of almonds at least 30 minutes before a meal. “Almonds contain beneficial fats and fiber to optimize blood sugar and prevent overeating,” she says. Also, make sure you’re well hydrated before the meal and continue to drink water afterward. Drinking wine if you’re hungry is a big no-no, she says. “Wine is also a sugar that could spike your blood sugar.”

* Try sharing. Rather than order your own sundae, suggest sharing. A lot of weight loss is about portion control. It can be fun dipping into your ice cream — or better yet low-fat yogurt — together, and subtly you can let your partner eat more of it than you do if they can afford the calories.

* Find activities you have in common. Suggest activities you can do together that will help you both burn calories. Say you’d rather walk to the movies than take a bus. Or suggest spending Sunday morning riding bikes rather than lazing around.

When you’re in a relationship and socializing, it can be harder to stick to your weight-loss plan. If you want to avoid weight gain during your time together, try to keep the focus on finding out more about your new love interest besides their favorite foods.