Saturday, 29 October 2011
Tofu Recipes to Try
Go Mex!
Pack a hefty Tex-Mex Fajitas stuffed with spiced-up soft tofu, fresh avocadoes, and hot salsa for that etra kick. Arriba!
Filling and flavorful!
This Chinese-inspired Shar's Spicy Tofu on Rice with ground pork has always been YUMMY Biz Whiz's go-to recipe for cooking demos. Bowl over this!
Soba, so good!
Having a rough day? This hearty Soba Soup with Crunchy Tofu Squares has floaters of squid balls and shiitake mushrooms, too. Great for rainy days!
Fresh is best!
The secret to a successful Tofu with Pea Shoots, Bean Sprouts, and Edamame is the chicken stock that the soft and fresh tofu seeps through during simmering. Oh, it's healthy too!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
25 Best Ever Weight Loss Tips
Getting away from your desk to eat lunch will help keep your stomach trim. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found those who ate their lunch at their desks ate twice as many calories than those without work distractions. Memory, the research shows, is vital to modulating appetite, and eating while distracted impairs your brain's ability to process calorie intake, so take fifteen minutes out to focus solely on your food to curb cravings.
2. Skip that second drink
Apart from the empty calories there is another reason why you shouldn't imbibe too many alcoholic drinks. Knocking back the equivalent of two glasses of wine (or two beers or two mixed drinks) slows down your fat burning by a massive 73%. According to researchers at the University of California this is because your liver converts the booze into acetate. . Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate, and less fat. In essence, acetate pushes fat to the back of the queue.
3. Eat breakfast (always)
Skipping breakfast sends your body into starvation mode, so your metabolism slows right down to conserve energy. So what breakfast treats should you be eating that are slow to digest and leave you feeling fuller for longer? Try a mix of lean protein with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats - such as an egg white omelet and half a cup of oats mixed with a quarter cup of frozen berries followed by a teaspoon of omega-3 loaded fish oil.
4. Sip java
Make sure you don't skip your morning trip to Starbucks, as a cup of the coffee can increase your metabolic rate by up to 16%, according to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system by increasing your heart rate and breathing. Just make sure you skip the sugar and opt for a straight filter coffee.
5. Eat dessert
No really. "A small amount can signal that the meal is over," says Barbara Rolls, author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. This doesn't give you carte blanche to end your meal with a massive cream cake though - it is recommended that you end your meal with a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate.
6. Paint it blue
If possible eat your dinner in a blue room; the colour is meant to be a natural appetite suppressant. Blue lights make food look less appealing, while warmer colours such as yellow have the opposite effect. Fast food restaurants have known this for years - which is why almost all of them have yellowish interiors - they want you to consume more food.
7. Go further with Fartlek
Fartlek involves jogging for 1min 30 seconds followed by running hard for 30 seconds, and decreasing the recovery jog by 15 seconds each time and you don't need a treadmill to reap the rewards of this Fartlek-style running. Simply pick a landmark - for example a tree, lamp-post, or phone box - and run to it hard, then jog for a few seconds until you've recovered, then pick another landmark and so on. This random approach tricks your metabolism into working harder, and actually burns more fat then just running at a continuous pace.
8. Pop pills
If you combine regular exercise with fish-oil supplements, it increases the activity of your fat-burning enzymes according to a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Look for brands containing at least 300 milligrams of the fatty acid EPA and 200 milligrams of the fatty acid DHA per capsule and pop two of these two hours before your workout.
9. Keep a food diary if you want to drop the fat.
In their 2008 survey of 1,685 overweight or obese adults, investigators at the Kaiser Permanente Centre for Health Research in the US found the most powerful predictor of a subject's ability to lose weight was how many days per week they kept their food diary. Focus on portion size especially and you'll be surprised how much you overeat. Remember, a 'portion' of veg is the size of your fist or a tennis ball; a portion of rice or pasta should fit on the palm of your hand; a portion of meat should be no bigger than a pack of cards.
10. Picture yourself
Keep a picture of yourself on your refrigerator door at both your original and current weight. Or hang photos of women who inspire you. Either way, every time you reach for a bite, you'll see a reminder of why you should stick with healthy foods.
11. Eat half a grapefruit
Maybe there is something in the grapefruit diet after all. Scripps Clinic researchers found that half a grapefruit before each meal helped dieters to lose between 3.3 and 10 pounds over the course of 12 weeks. The scientists are not sure why this works as the same amount of calories were being eaten, but they think that it may have some sort of fat-burning effect. At only 39 calories per half it's definitely worth a shot.
12. Go green
Green tea has been called deemed a 'metabolism potion' and it's not hard to see why. It contains a plant compound called ECGX which helps promote fat burning. According to research, consuming two to four cups of the green stuff per day could help you burn an extra 50 calories a day.
13. Burn extra calories by chewing gum
A study published in the journal Appetite found that gum-chewers ate 36% fewer calories each time they snacked because their appetite had been sated. Chewing gum burns eleven extra calories per hour. That's 19% more calories than just sitting in front of your computer screen. While that doesn't sound like a lot, if you chew for four hours daily it adds up to 4.5lbs per year. And that's without counting the calorie savings from the snacks you're not eating
14. Grab some metal
Your period can throw a spanner into your metabolic machine every month as you lose iron during menstruation which is the mineral that helps carry oxygen to your muscles. If your muscles don't get enough O2 your metabolism starts to slow down, so stock up on iron-rich foods such as spinach and broccoli every month.
15. Drink milk
Here's a way to feel better about having the occasional off-day. Wash your meal down with a glass of skimmed milk. According to the University of Copenhagen, calcium may help reduce the amount of saturated fat your body absorbs by up to 80 calories. Like fibre, calcium binds with fat molecules and helps flush them out through the intestine. Supplements don't have the same effect.
16. Make a stand
When you talk on the phone, get to your feet and stand for the duration of it. You won't think of it as exercise, but it can help you burn as much as 54 calories for every 20-minute conversation. Just an alteration that burns as little as 100 calories a day can start you on the road to weight loss.
17. Eat with your other hand
Picking up a fork with the hand you don't usually use automatically slows you down and makes you focus on your meal, meaning you will consume it slower and will be therefore less likely to overeat. Studies have also shown that with regular practice, this kind of switch can also increase your overall willpower, meaning if you're offered a cookie by a work colleague you are more likely to say no
18. Follow a plate pattern
Make sure your evening meal follows this ratio, one quarter of your plate should be lean protein like poultry, fish or eggs. The rest should be plant food. And make sure your veggies are a diverse mix of colours - as each colour signifies a different nutrient. This will guarantee you eat a well-balanced and nutrient-rich meal every evening.
19. Run to feel fuller
Exercising to lose weight may not be the most revolutionary notion but Brazilian scientists have found that exercise heightens the activity of your neurons that control feelings of fullness; ensuring you eat slowly and steadily. A 30-minute pre-work jog may leave you desperate for breakfast but it'll also stop you reaching for the sweet jar later on.
20. Go fish
Eat more of Nemo's pals to lose weight. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which quash hunger. Healthy fats trigger the "I'm full" signal to your brain quicker according to the National Institutes of Health, meaning you are less likely to overeat.
21. Get an early night
If you're not getting enough Zzzs you're throwing off the amounts of appetite-regulating hormones that your body produces. According to researchers at Stanford University people who hit the sack for less than 7.5 hours per night experienced an increase in the Body Mass Index (BMI). So make sure you hit that snooze button.
22. Downsize your plate
You might think you look daft but eat your food off a saucer-sized plate (about 6 inches in diameter) but keeping it small can help you lose weight. A study from Cornell University found that people who ate off smaller plates believed they were eating an average of 18% more calories than they actually were. Those eating off dinner plates were under no such illusions - proving you really do eat with your eyes, not your stomach.
23. Take the stairs
Use stairs instead of escalators, get off the bus one stop earlier and leave the car at home for short trips. University of Virginia studies show you can lose weight four times quicker by adding light bursts of exercise - up to 30 minutes in total - to your daily schedule.
24. Pack protein in your packed lunch
Cramming protein into every meal helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat does, even at rest. Protein is also more satiating than fats or carbs (aim for about 30 grams of protein at each meal), and the best source? Turkey. It has the fewest calories per ounce of any animal protein and contains the amino acid leucine, which keeps the metabolism running at full speed.
25. Guzzle ice cold water
Chase your morning coffee with a glass of ice-cold H2O. Researchers at the University of Utah found that volunteers who drank eight to 12 glasses of water a day had higher metabolic rates than those who only drank four. Keeping it ice-cold also helps stoke your metabolism as your body has to burn more calories to heat the liquid up to core temperature.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Easy Exercises at Home and Work

With a hectic work schedule followed by demands at home, it may be hard to squeeze in a trip to the gym. The good news is any kind of movement can be considered activity and will burn calories.
Try these ways to incorporate easy exercises into your day:
* Park in the back of the parking lot so that you have to walk a little farther to your destination. For an added workout, carry your groceries instead of pushing them in a cart.
* Give your house a really good cleaning. To burn even more calories, sing and dance while you work.
* When you have a choice, use stairs instead of an escalator or elevator. Try to climb stairs quickly instead of taking your time.
* When feasible, walk instead of driving, taking a train, or riding the bus.
* Getting antsy in your chair at work? Fidgeting is fine — and burns calories.
* Use an exercise ball instead of a chair. It forces you to continually contract your core muscles in the abdomen and back to stay balanced.
* Play with your kids — tag is a great game to get the heart pumping.
* Laugh, jump up and down, dance, and just enjoy life.
Exercise doesn't have to be one more chore on your to-do list or something that you dread. Make better choices throughout each day to help you move a little more, and your heart will reap the benefits.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
The Importance of Core-Strengthening
Here’s more on the benefits of functional fitness:
1) It will strengthen your core muscles.
Functional exercises require you to use several muscle groups in one fluid movement. This will strengthen and develop the muscles in the back, abdomen, pelvis, and hips, and promote stability and flexibility — all essential for preventing injury and helping you maintain a healthy weight.
2) It will tone your muscles and improve bone density.
Even if you're diligent about cardio workouts, you need core-strengthening exercises to further improve muscle tone and bone density. Combining a cardio routine with core training will not only make you stronger, it will also help promote good posture and balance.
3) No expensive equipment needed!
The best part? Incorporating core exercise into your exercise regimen doesn’t require you to buy fancy, expensive equipment like balance boards and pulley-type machines to see results. We recommend the following:
* A bench or a chair without arms
* A mat or thick towel to protect your back and knees during floor exercises
* Light hand weights
* An exercise step, also called an aerobic step or a home-exercise workout step
source: diet and nutrition
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Body Fat Calculator
No doubt the number on the scale is important, but so is knowing your percentage of body fat. By itself, body fat is not the enemy: After all, body fat serves a purpose. It stores energy, controls body temperature, and protects organs. The problem is excess body fat, which leads to obesity. Overweight or obese individuals are at increased risk for health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and several other cancers.
Using a body-fat calculator can help you determine whether you're overweight or obese and at risk for these health conditions, and then spur you to take action to get healthy.
There are many methods of calculating body fat. You can take measurements, get the formula, and then do the math with pencil and paper. Or you take a shortcut and use an online tool, such as the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator, based on the U.S. Navy Circumference Method, which tallies your body-fat percentage using the measurements of your neck, waist, and hips along with your height and gender. With this information you'll have a solid knowledge of your body-fat percentage.
Another way to determine the percentage of your body fat is to use measurements of a device called a body-fat caliper, which measures fat on the chest, biceps, abdomen, thigh, calf, triceps, waist, hips, and lower back and then calculates your overall body fat. Still another way is to use a body-fat scale, a device that passes a harmless current through your body to determine your body-fat percentage.
Doctors may use other, more-complex methods of measuring body fat. Some of the most popular of these are: DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) which uses x-rays to scan the body; NIR (Near Infrared Interactance), a process where a fiber-optic tool is used to determine body fat composition; and Hydrodensitometry Weighing, which requires comparing the weight of someone in - and out - of water.
Still, the simplest tool is the Body Fat Calculator, which we provide on My Calorie Counter. It follows the U.S. Navy Circumference Method, along with guidelines from the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is how the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator works:
Be sure to take your measurements as accurately as possible. Get someone to help if you can.
Here are some quick tips:
* Use a cloth measuring tape.
* Be sure to measure your height with your shoes off.
* Measure the circumference of the neck from below the larynx with the tape sloping slightly down to the front.
* Women should measure their hips around the widest point.
* Finally, the NIH recommends that the best way to measure your waist size is to stand, then exhale completely, and place the tape measure around your middle, just above the hips.
So now that you've determined your body-fat percentage using the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator, what should you do? Consult with My Calorie Counter's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator to see how many calories you need to eat. If you're looking to lower your body-fat percentage, try the NIH's tips for lowering your body-fat percentage. It recommends following a healthy eating plan, focusing on portion size, being active, regularly measuring your BMI, and taking a break from the TV or computer.
You'll find great tools to help control and track your weight on My Calorie Counter. In addition to using our calculators to learn your basal metabolic rate and body-fat percentage, you can also use the site's Body Mass Index Calculator to easily determine your body mass index. You'll have all the basic starting information at hand so you won't need to waste another minute before beginning your weight-loss journey.
Body Fat Percentage Charts for Females and Males
Age | Underweight | Healthy Range | Overweight | Obese |
20-40 yrs | Under 21% | 21-33% | 33-39% | Over 39% |
41-60 yrs | Under 23% | 23-35% | 35-40% | Over 40% |
61-79 yrs | Under 24% | 24-36% | 36-42% | Over 42% |
Age | Underweight | Healthy Range | Overweight | Obese |
20-40 yrs | Under 8% | 8-19% | 19-25% | Over 25% |
41-60 yrs | Under 11% | 11-22% | 22-27% | Over 27% |
61-79 yrs | Under 13% | 13-25% | 25-30% | Over 30% |
* Source - World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
New Study: Early Birds Are Thinner and Less Stressed Than Night Owls
Dr. Joerh Hube presented the study at a British Psychological Society conference, reports. He attributes early risers' productivity to their ability to get tasks done immediately--like house chores and sending their children to school--before going to work. "Maybe morning types are just better suited to this industrial world we are in than late risers," he is quoted as saying.
The researchers asked 1,068 adults about their health, happiness, and sleeping habits through an online survey. The early risers got up at 6:58AM on average, while night owls were more likely to get up at 8:54AM. Both groups slept an hour more on the weekends.
Dr. Huber notes, however, that there are no marked differences between the two groups, and being a night person could suit jobs that require employees to stay late.
But if you've got a job that requires you to be in the office early, it's time to step up your game and reduce instances of tardiness. Sleeping early ensures that you have the right amount of rest, which means you won't need to hit the snooze button in the morning. This makes you feel more rested and ready to face the day--which means you'll be more productive too.
Monday, 3 October 2011
Eating Right for Exercise

FACT: You need energy to exercise and energy comes from food. Make sure you've eaten adequately before any fitness activity and eat to refuel afterwards.
Fitness Food: The Right Diet for Exercise
The amount of food a person needs will vary with age, sex, weight, and activity level. The rate at which you burn calories depends not only on the type of exercise you do, but also on how vigorously you do it.
* Carbohydrates. Carbohydrates — sugars and starches — are broken down by the body into glucose, which muscles use for energy. Excess carbs are stored in the liver and tissues as glycogen and released as needed. It’s glycogen that provides the energy for high-intensity exercise and prolonged endurance. Some good sources of carbohydrates are whole grain breads and cereals, fruit, vegetables, pasta, and rice.
* Protein. Protein should be part of each of your major meals because it will help slow absorption of carbohydrates. Fish, eggs, chicken, meat, and beans are excellent sources of protein, and 3 ounces per meal is enough.
* Fat. You need some fat in your diet, too, says Travis. Low-fat dairy products, like 1 percent milk, and lean cuts of meat will give you the fat your body needs.
Try to have a combination of items from all three of these food groups at each of your major meals.For a healthy breakfast, have a high-fiber cereal (either oatmeal or another whole-grain cereal), a low-fat dairy product, and fruit or a glass of juice. The easiest lunch might be a sandwich made with lean meat, poultry, or fish on whole-grain bread, with raw veggies and fruit served on the side. Protein and energy bars can be useful, but don't use them as a meal replacement. Look for bars with at least 10 grams of protein and some carbohydrates, rather than products with a high protein content and hardly any carbohydrates.
Fitness Food: Timing Meals and Snacks
If you exercise in the morning and don’t have something to eat first, you can use up all of your stored energy. If you'd rather not have breakfast before you exercise, try eating a small piece of fruit.
If you’re planning a strenuous workout, eat a meal high in carbohydrates at least three to four hours beforehand. Choose foods that are easily digested.
Fitness Food: Factor in Fluids
It’s particularly important to drink fluids before, during, and after exercising. If you exercise strenuously, try to drink fluids even if you’re not thirsty.
Water is a good choice for most activities. If you exercise continuously for 90 minutes or more, you might benefit from a sports drink that contains electrolytes and carbohydrates. But sports drinks are designed for people who are doing endurance activities for prolonged periods. They probably aren’t necessary for the average person.
Caffeine is dehydrating. You can drink an equal volume of water if you drink coffee or another caffeinated beverage.
The bottom line on fueling for exercise? If you drink plenty of fluids and eat regular meals that include carbohydrates, protein, and fat, you should have all the energy you need for your workout plan.