Tuesday 3 April 2012

Help Your Kids Lose Weight By Cutting Down on Carbs or Food Portions

What is the best way to help your kids lose a few pounds? According to a study published in the Journal of Pediatrics, diets which involve portion and carb control are quite effective.

In the study, researchers assigned three different diets to 100 obese seven to 12-year-olds. The first diet was simply about portion control, the second diet followed a low-carb principle, and the third diet was a variation of the low-carb system--except that it only cut down on certain carbs. For more than one year, all three diets seemed to work well. The only thing researchers took note of was that the kids had a hard time sticking to the low-carb diet.

Perhaps a low-carb diet is simply too restrictive for kids. Researchers believe that a slight modification to it can work well. The third diet based on a reduced glycemic load provides a compromise. With this diet, certain carbs like fruits and vegetables are allowed.

Regardless of which diet you choose, researchers say that your kids can end up with lower cholesterol levels. Children who choose the low-carb diet are bound to reduce their triglycerides (a kind of blood fat), while those who choose to cut portions and glycemic load show better blood sugar levels. Either way, your kids will still lose calories. Hopefully, they’ll understand what it means to eat healthily and adapt it as a lifestyle even after they grow past puberty.

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