Wednesday 23 February 2011

Bad Health Habits You Should Drop ASAP

Still struggling to keep up with your health resolutions? Read on and see how you could be slipping.

By now, you’re aware of at least some of the bad health habits that can shorten your life. Still, here are some more that you should drop in 2011—not just to keep a resolution, but also to stay in tip-top shape and help you weather the summer sicknesses that could well be rolling in during the coming months.

1. HITTING THE SNOOZE BUTTON. It may be tempting to hit the snooze button and ask for 10 more minutes of shut eye, but remember that every minute is valuable. And those 10 extra minutes you ask for could translate into 30 minutes of being stuck in traffic. "No matter what you feel, get up, dress up, and show up!" Not only is being late unprofessional, it’s also being inconsiderate. You’ve got to be respectful of other people’s time too, you know!

2. NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP. Grade school science taught us that we need eight hours of sleep at night. Lack of sleep causes a myriad of health problems--while you’ve probably experienced the difficulty in focusing and thinking when you’re deprived of sleep, for example, did you know that this can eventually lead to colon cancer? So, forgo your unnecessary nocturnal activities and hop onto bed early! Besides, this would most likely solve bad habit no. 1!

3. POOR EATING HABITS. Whether it’s eating on the go or neglecting the food pyramid entirely, poor eating habits have serious negative consequences on our bodies. Remember that this doesn’t just mean missing out on meals; it also means eating too much salty or greasy food. Wrong nutrition can cause obesity and digestive disorders, and it may even contribute to diabetes.

4. PROCRASTINATING. Procrastination is the counterpart of the snooze button when you’re awake. We all know that "five more minutes" can extend indefinitely, so save the chats with your co-workers and checking on your social network feeds on for free time!

5. NOT EXERCISING. Not having a gym membership is not an excuse to forgo physical activity. Exercising even for only 30 minutes a day can do your immediate and future health a world of good. Aside from reducing the risk for diseases, exercise has also been proven to be an effective way to counter anxiety and depression. Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!

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