Friday 2 March 2007

BootCamp: Thursday 1st March 2007

Hi Guys

Well done last night. Everyone did very well. After our heavy emphasis on our core muscles on Tuesday night, last night's session was a good cardio / bodyweight blast.

The session was as follows:

1) Warm Up

Jog around the hall x 2 mins

Prisoner Squats x 15 reps

Press Ups x 15 reps

Alt Lunges x 20 reps

Plank x 20 seconds

Reverse Inchworm calf stretch

X 2

2) Calisthenics

(1) Star Jumps

(2) Shuffle Splits

(3) Virtual Skipping

(4) Side to side hops

20 seconds each x 2 sets

3) 3 x 3 Station Circuit

Station 1:

(1) SandBag High Pull
(2) DB Push Press
(3) Squat Jumps

Station 2:
(1) Skipping
(2) DB Swing
(3) Front foot elevated split squat

Station 3:
(1) Sandbag Alternating Shoulder Press
(2) Front and side raises with Tubing
(3) Walking Lunges

Each exercise lasted 60 seconds. We performed each exercise at our station before moving to the next station.

4) Run down the lane

Jog down the lane and then interval sprints back up the lane (10 second sprint, 10 second jog and repeat)

5) Stretches

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