Friday 9 March 2007

BootCamp: Tuesday 6th March 2007

1) Warm Up
Prisoner Squats x 15
Press Ups x 15
Cross Crawl x 20
Sumo Squat x 10
Reverse Inchworm calf stretch
X 2

2) Indoor Baseball
1. Run 2 laps then do 10 knees to chin
2. Run 2 laps then do 10 sky and ground squats
3. Run 2 laps then do 10 push ups
4. Run 2 laps then do 10 Squat Jumps
5. Run 2 laps then do 10 Spiderman Climbs
6. Run 2 laps then do 10 Star Jumps
7. Run 2 laps then do 10 Russian Twists
8. Run 2 laps then do 10 Diagonal Lunges
9. Run 2 laps then do 10 Shuffles
10. Run 2 laps then do 10 Get Ups
11. Run 2 laps then do 10 Dips
12. Run 2 laps then do 10 1-leg deadlifts

3) Partner Up Race
Split into pairs.

Team 1: Partner #1 does 20 tricep dips and then Partner #2 does 20 tricep dips.
Team 2: Do as many burpees as possible until Team 1 is done.

Switch roles

Winning team is the team who has done the most burpees.

4) Tabata Time
(a) Press Ups x 20 secs.
(b) Rest x 10 secs.
(c) Star Jumps x 20 secs.
(d) Rest x 10 secs.

Repeat for 3 rounds.

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