Friday 16 September 2011

Oh Yes, Exercise!

Exercising regularly not only boosts your metabolism and helps with weight loss, but it can also reduce the risk of a host of obesity-related health problems, including prediabetes, diabetes, and heart disease.

The other benefits of exercise are as follows:

Exercising boost brainpower. Research reveals that exercise can help benefit a vital anatomical part of your brain called the hippocampus, which controls memory. The hippocampus is particularly important when it comes to learning and processing new information. Just as our muscles and bones atrophy with age, so does the brain, along with the hippocampus. It used to be thought that once a portion of the brain atrophied it was lost forever.

Protection against many forms of cancer. More and more studies show that physical activity can reduce the risk of cancers of the breast, colon, endometrium (the lining of the uterus), prostate, and lung. Of these cancers, evidence is strongest for its protecting against breast and colon cancer, two of the most common.

Prevent the common cold. There is evidence that the annoying common cold can be warded off by exercise. A brisk walk every day can boost your immune system and help you stay cold-free; it can also lessen the severity of a cold if you get one. And while the immune activity brought on by exercise lasts for only a few hours, it is the cumulative immune effect that seems to keep regular exercisers healthier.

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