Saturday 10 September 2011

Pound Patrol: 7 Bad Eating Habits You Should Drop to Control Your Weight

Are you having problems managing your weight? Shift to a healthier diet today by working on your eating habits! It doesn't matter how young or old you are; you are still in charge of your body. If you're having trouble getting started, scroll through the gallery below for some of the bad eating habits you should cut out of your life.

1. FOREGOING A HEALTHY BREAKFAST.For people with a heavier day ahead, they can start consuming rice in the morning. There has to be a viand that’s freshly prepared, not commercially processed or instant food. Easy-to-prepare foods are usually high in salt and fat and should be avoided. Plus, fresh fruit is always a must after every meal as it is a good source of fiber.

2. SKIPPING MEALS--ANY MEALS. Skipping the most important meal of the day is unhealthy becauseyou tend to overeat during subsequent meals or have a lot of in-between snacks. Your body thinks that it’s starving.

When you skip meals, the body slows down its metabolism as a way of coping. The more you skip a meal, the more chances of eating more until the next meal. Eat just to satisfy your body’s needs.

3. OVERLOADING ON CONDIMENTS. Condiments have to go. Similarly, when having salads, go for the light oil French dressings instead of the Caesar dressing.

4. EATING TOO FAST. In his book The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom, Dr. Phil McGraw offers a simple suggestion for people who really eat fast as a rule: wait for five minutes before digging in. Place small mouthfuls of food on your spoon. Consciously take time to taste, chew, and savor every mouthful. Take sips of water between bites.

5. GRABBING OVERSIZED PORTIONS. Dr. Phil says a smaller plate is better for eating large portions of food. At restaurants, it’s best to split your meal with a friend, or you can try using a bigger fork to eat less, as one study published in the Journal of Consumer Research shows.

6. MULTI-TASKING AT MEALTIME. Even if you eat while on the move or while standing, you should still designated an area in your home where you can take your meals--and only take them there. Avoid doing anything else while eating, says Dr. Phil. This distracts you from your eating, making you unaware of how much you are consuming.

7. OVEREATING AT PARTIES. When headed for a party, chow down on low-calorie foods before you go. Focus on the people and the conversation, not the food. Sit away from the buffet table.

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