Wednesday 22 September 2010

Avoid Getting Injured

Sure you want to get in shape as soon as you can. But if you over-exert yourself, if you perform a move o a certain exercise the wrong way, and if you push yourself when you’re already hydrated, you could end up seriously hurt.

Don’t wait until you actually experience one of these. Follow these simple watch-outs:

1) Avoid muscle fatigue – Know when to push and when to quit. Pain is your body’s way of saying, “No more!” Be sure to listen.

2) Stretch regularly before and after any physical activity – Stretching beforehand helps prepare your muscles for the exertions you’ve got planned ahead. Stretching afterwards helps your muscles get ready to rest.

3) Warm up before physical activity – Warming up also helps your body get used to whatever sport or exercise you’ve got planned ahead, and can help you avoid an injury that can last weeks or months. Or worse, a lifetime.

4) Wear proper footwear – Many injuries occur when you don’t have the right shoes to give your feet the right support when you’re doing a particular sport or exercise.

5) Rehydrate constantly – always make sure you replace the fluids you lose while sweating from a sport or exercise. When you’re dehydrated, you can experience dizziness, exhaustion, cramps – symptoms that can lead to even more serious injuries.

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