Tuesday 2 November 2010

Healthy Diet Tip: Cut Back on the Booze

It's amazing how quickly calories add up, especially those you drink.

Limiting alcohol consumption can improve both your diet and your overall health. While drinking in moderation has been found to have a few beneficial effects, drinking more than this amount can have negative effects on health. It’s recommended that men drink no more than two drinks per day, and women drink up to one glass per day.

Alcohol consumption — even just one drink — can weaken your diet discipline and lead to overeating, eating unhealthy food, and drinking more than the recommended amount.
To avoid these poor-health pitfalls, set guidelines that make it easier to stick to your alcohol limit. Make a rule not to drink during the week or buy just enough for one serving per evening.

Alcohol has calories, and if you’re trying to lose weight, it’s best to opt for water instead.

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