Friday 12 November 2010


This circuit follows the song the 12 days of Christmas so you start with exercise 1 then perform exercise 2 followed by exercise 1, then exercise 3 followed by exercise 2 and then exercise 1 and keep going until you get through the whole circuit.

1. Run 100 yards (or Bear Crawls x 20 yards)

2. Burpees x 2

3. Inch Worms x 3

4. Bootstrappers x 4

5. Squat Jumps x 5

6. Press Ups x 6

7. Pull Ups or negative chin ups x 7

8. 1-Leg Deadlifts x 8 (each side)

9. Kettlebell Swings x 9

10. Shoulder Press with Bands x 10

11. Mountain Climbers x 11 (each side)

12. Band Squat Rows x 12

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