Wednesday 3 November 2010

Tips on Getting in Shape for the Yuletide Season

The yuletide season is the worst when it comes to packing on those pounds! And because we just love to socialize and spread that Christmas cheer, we understand why it’s especially important to look and feel happy, glam, and gorgeous. Of course, this means more than just buying the most fab dresses for the round of parties you’ll be attending—it means wearing them with flair and confidence and having a great time while you’re in them.

But, you might say, this is much easier said than done. True! But nothing worth having comes free, and one major component for achieving that level of confidence and general happiness is a fit lifestyle. And the formula for a fit lifestyle is balancing energy in (nutrition) with energy out (exercise)!


1. Know your numbers.
When it comes to fitness, there are certain things you need to know about your body, and these are:
* desirable body weight
* total energy requirement
* body fat percentage
* the number of weeks to lose weight safely
* the ideal weight range according to your race

2. Eat slowly.
Despite the Christmas rush that has you wanting to get everything done as quickly as you can, wolfing down your meals is not a great idea. Savor the flavor of the food you’re eating—since it takes 20 minutes for your brain to determine whether or not you’re already full, drawing out those bites ensures that less feels like more. Plus, if you’re on a snack break, maximize those 15 minutes by eating fiber rich snacks such as fruits and vegetable sticks.

3. Practice portion control.
This can help when you are eating out. Try measuring your food so you know how a standard serving is even when you’re not at home—for example, how much rice really goes into one cup? It depends on the restaurant (and their cups), so if you can figure out how much rice goes into one cup using an actual measuring cup, this helps you gain better control over your food intake.

4. Keep a food journal or diary.
This helps you monitor yourself and see just how much you really eat in a day. Log the real amount of food that you ate. Learn to be both qualitative and quantitative. And be honest! You are not cheating anyone but yourself when you cheat.

5. When dining out, eat half your order.
If you're sharing a meal with your friends, why not share an order as well? And when dining alone, ask for half your meal to be packed (doggie bags are a weight-watcher's best friend!) and enjoy the other half of your meal at another time.


A well-toned body is more than just having flab-free arms or a flat belly, no matter what our insecurities may have us obsessing about. Fitness First Fitness Training Manager Joann L. Santos, PTRP, shares five tips on making sure you exercise your whole body.

1. For sexy, toned legs
A combination of lunges, squats, and calf raises will do the trick. The higher the repetition, the more toned your legs will become. But don’t worry! You don’t need to do a whole bunch of these in one go. You can do a set of 8 to 12 in the morning, another set in the afternoon, and another before you go to bed.

2. For fab arms
Make sure to work out both your biceps and triceps. Do arm curls with your arms at your sides and overhead extensions with your arms at the side of your ears with the armpit fully opened.

3. For a flat tummy
Old-school crunches remain at the top of the list. Make sure that you only lift your back at the shoulder blade level—rising up all the way will result to back pain. Your neck should remain at a neutral position all throughout the exercise. Do this by focusing your eyes on just one point from beginning to end.

4. Go back to the basics
You can make small changes to your routine that will contribute to your overall fitness. For your cardio, use the staircase instead of the elevator. Walk if your destination is just a block or two away. As long as you are moving, your body requires energy, and this is the best way to cut those stubborn fats!

5. No excuses: start now!
You will never have the time—you should make time. So stop putting off that fitness regimen and start working toward a healthier, happier lifestyle today!

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