Tuesday 27 December 2011

Eat Apples and Pears to Prevent Strokes

Not all fruits are created equal. Some are tastier and more vibrantly-colored while others, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American Heart Association, are just plain better at keeping stroke at bay. Do you know which fruits may lower your risk of having a stroke?

Luckily for you guys, these fruits are not so hard to come by. The 10-year study, conducted on 20,000 men and women aged 20 to 65, found that eating pale-fleshed produce like apples and pears might have something to do with having a healthier heart.

For one decade, researchers observed their subjects who were, at the beginning of the study healthy and free of cardiovascular disease. These researchers were particularly keen on tallying the kind and number of fruits and vegetables the participants ate and even categorized them by color: green, red/purple, and white.

During the run of the study, 233 cases of stroke were listed. Strangely enough, there appeared to be no clear evidence that brightly-colored fruits and vegetables can lower the risk of stroke. However, the study revealed that those who consumed 171 grams (akin to one medium apple) of pale-fleshed fruits every day were 52 percent less likely to have experienced stroke than those who consumed less than 78 grams of it. To simplify matters, taking in 25 grams of white fruit per day reduces your risk of having a stroke by 9 percent.

Although fruits rich in fiber (enter apples and pears) have been known to contribute to better cardiovascular health, there is still no real explanation as to why white-colored produce have such a significant impact on reducing the risk of getting a stroke. Until the same dramatic results are replicated, researchers cannot actively recommend anything more specific.

It still stands, though, that eating fruits and vegetables is good for your health, so instead of binging on chips and other unhealthy snacks, why don’t you add a little bit more fruit or vegetable into your diet? After all, they do say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Thursday 22 December 2011

Boot Camp Christmas Holiday Workout - Burning Turkey!

Right gang! Workouts for those that want to work off that turkey + those festive drinks, crisps + nuts!

Workouts should last approx 30 - 40 mins so no reason why you cant fit them into your busy schedule!

Follow the notes, any problems / questions get in touch

Mobile 453637 Email david_christian82@hotmail.com

They should be quite straight forward + most of the exercises ( don’t quote me on this) should be available to view on you tube .


Warm up
25 x Star Jump
20 x Cross Country Skiers
15 x Overhead Squat
10 x Press Up
5 x Jump / Hindu Squat

1) Mountain Climbers x 20
Sprinters Start + High knee x 20

2) Press Up x 10
Squat x 20 why not add weight? How bout a large sofa pillow?

3) Side Lunge + toe touch x 20
Dips, use a chair x 10

4) Skipping x 50
4 Point Squat Thrusts x 10 ( feet in, feet out together, feet in, feet out apart = 1 rep)

5) High Knee Run x 20
Sit Ups x 20

6) Star Jump x 20
Spiderman’s x 20

Ok, 4 mins constant work on each round, 1 min rest i.e. Star Jumps + Spiderman’s until 4 mins up!

Don’t forget to use a sweat towel! : )

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Dreaming Reduces Stress

Ever have to make a big decision, only to be told to "sleep on it"? There could be some wisdom in that--a study published in the journal Current Biology suggests one benefit of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is stress relief. According to the researchers from the University of California--Berkeley, dreaming is one natural way we cope with stressful events.

Matthew Walker, associate professor of psychology and neuroscience at UC Berkeley and senior author of the study said, "The dream stage of sleep, based on its unique neurochemical composition, provides us with a form of overnight therapy, a soothing balm that removes the sharp edges from the prior day's emotional experiences."

Studying 35 healthy young adults, the researchers set to find out just how strong an impact dreaming has on people. Divided into two groups, the participants were all made to look at two sets of photos. While both groups had a 12-hour interval in between the viewing of the photos, the first group was not allowed to sleep. On the other hand, the second group was able to get a good night’s sleep before looking at the photos again the next day.

Based on the Magnetic Resonance Imaging results, those who belonged to the latter group—the participants who were able to sleep before looking at the photos again—had decreased reactivity in the brain’s amygdala, which is responsible for processing emotions. Moreover, through the use of electroencephalograms, the researchers were able to detect lesser stress neurochemicals in the brain.

"We know that during REM sleep there is a sharp decrease in levels of norepinephrine, a brain chemical associated with stress," Walker said. "By reprocessing previous emotional experiences in this neuro-chemically safe environment of low norepinephrine during REM sleep, we wake up the next day, and those experiences have been softened in their emotional strength. We feel better about them; we feel we can cope."

source: femalenetwork

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Tips to Lose Belly Fat

Excess fat especially on the belly is the hardest to lose. And that is a fact.

No matter how many twists, side-bends or crunches you do, you will not shred belly fat. Spot reduction seems like it should work, but it doesn’t. You need a well-rounded exercise program that includes cardio and strength training to shrink your belly.

Aerobic activity draws upon fat that is stored for energy. You can perform aerobic exercises that elevate the heart and breathing rate, such as bicycling, brisk walking, dancing or jogging. If you’re just starting out, five to ten minutes may be all you can do comfortably. Over time, progress up to 30-60 minutes three or four times a week to really see results.

Remember, exercise also reduces stress and insulin levels. When insulin levels go up, cortisol – another hormone – goes up as well, which makes you more predisposed to storing body fat.

Monday 12 December 2011

10 Tips for a Happy, Stress-Free Christmas

The Christmas season is always a hectic period, involving tasks like decorating, shopping, baking, and more. Family calendars are filled during the holidays, and work, school, and even church activities all demand time and effort. With all that’s going on, it’s easy to get stressed out—something that can really put a downer on your holiday cheer.

The secret to alleviating stress during this Christmas season is proper time management; in this case, a little advanced planning goes a very long way.

We are all guilty of putting things off every once in a while. The problem with procrastination is that, once deadlines start to loom (and you normally see more of these toward the end of the year than during any other season), we go crazy rushing to meet them. Always anticipate a heavy workload in the weeks leading up to the holiday break. Get as much as you can done before the holiday season bursts into full hectic mode to minimize the things on your to-do list.

People in the United States and other countries make use of their safe and reliable online shopping system to avoid having to battle the crowds to shop for their Christmas presents.

No matter how properly organized your Christmas shopping list this year, there will always be those present puzzlers. They are the people who just leave you stumped as to what to get them. Whether it is a neighbor, a coworker, or a relative you just do not know well enough, a basket of wine, cheese, crackers, chocolates, candy, fruit, and other holiday goodies is the safest way to go.

If you are planning on hosting a holiday gathering, be sure to delegate to avoid having to spend more time in the kitchen and less time with your guests. Remember: nobody likes an absentee hostess, and, frankly, even if you have to pay to get helping hands who will ensure that you don’t spend your time running yourself ragged, you’ll find it’s money well spent.

'Tis the season to eat, drink, and be merry. But be responsible and keep drinking habits in check. The key is knowing how much you can handle and, of course, remembering that you should never drink and drive! Besides which, you should pay mind to your schedule—if you’re meeting your friends for cocktails on a weeknight, try not to overindulge; if you go to work late and hung over the next day, this will just set you back and add to your stress levels once the haze from the booze has lifted.

All the madness and mayhem that comes with the Christmas season can make it easy for us to be thrown off our daily routines. Be sure to eat and sleep well, and try to squeeze some workout time into your busy schedule.

Spending time with family is always a good thing, but, for some people, it can be a cause for anxiety. Be prepared to dodge (and have some witty, inoffensive comebacks for) those criticisms and awkward questions that can come with annual family gatherings.

Deciding where to spend the holidays can put a lot of pressure on a family. To avoid conflicts and, more importantly, hurting the feelings of those you love, discuss your plans with your partner, your parents, and your in-laws ahead of time. Welcome compromise by alternating sides of the family. For instance, you may spend Christmas Eve at your parents' house and then Christmas Day at your in-laws'. When offering holiday greetings to relatives abroad, preset your Skype or phone call schedules so you’re sure to catch them at home (and awake).

Travel hiccups are very common around this time of year. Have realistic expectations—heavy traffic, congested airports, overbooked flights, and such. Be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared to deal with whatever you may encounter.

If it starts to feel like all the holiday activities and engagements are too much for you to bear, step back and take the time to breathe and relax. Shut your eyes and meditate, or even take a nap. Remind yourself that this season is really all about giving and spending time with loved ones, and take a moment to remember how occasions like this have been filled with warmth and caring because, in the end, the best Christmas gift you can receive is the presence of friends and family.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Are You Ready for Strength Training?

According to the latest recommendations from the American Council on Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Heart Association, you should be including strength training twice a week as part of your overall fitness routine. Research shows that strength exercises are safe for all ages and that strength training combined with aerobic exercise can improve your physical and mental health.

The Benefits of Strength Training
Strength training is important for everybody, but even more so for older adults because it can slow down the loss of bone and muscle that goes along with aging. Other benefits include:

Weight control
* Lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes
* Relief from arthritis
* Better balance and fall prevention
* Improved cardiovascular health
* Fighting depression

You can get strength training from calisthenics, free weights, machines, and other types of equipment. The important thing is to exercise all the major muscle groups including your arms, legs, back, and stomach. The muscles around your center, called your "core muscles," are especially important to target since they stabilize the rest of your body.

Strength training is usually divided into sets and repetitions. Repetitions, or "reps," are the number of times you do an exercise. A group of repetitions — usually between 8 and 15 — is called a set. If you are able to do more than one set of an exercise, always rest for a few minutes between sets. The ACSM recommends 8 to 10 strength training exercises of 8 to 10 repetitions each, twice a week.

source: diet and nutrition

Saturday 3 December 2011

Chewing Gum May Help You in Losing Weight

Do you like sweets? So,are you a fan of chewing gum? If yes, this article is for you.

Published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, the study suggests that the simple act of chewing gum can help keep your appetite in check, thus, helping you lose weight. According to Robert Doyle, chemist and lead scientist at the University of Syracuse, it’s all because of the hormone known as human PYY. This hormone is responsible for keeping appetite and energy in line and is usually released when people eat or exercise. Other studies that looked at the hormone have also found that people who are overweight tend to have lower concentrations of PYY than people who are of regular weight. And when injected into both obsese and non-obese individuals, the serum levels of PYY increase and the calories consumed decrease.

Now while it seems easy to just have weight-conscious people ingest the hormone orally, researchers have discovered that the "hormone is destroyed in the stomach and that which isn't destroyed has difficulty crossing into the bloodstream through the intestines." The key is to get the hormone inside the body incognito. There are several ways to trick the body into believing you've eaten, and Doyle has had some success in this field, having disguised the hormone insulin in the past in the form of a vitamin B12 tablet. This time, he intends to try the same thing with PYY using chewing gum. In the same way that nicotine gums have helped smokers quit the habit, Doyle hopes that his new and improved chewing gum would have the same effect. "If we are successful, PYY-laced gum would be a natural way to help people lose weight," he said. "They could eat a balanced meal, then chew a stick of gum. The PYY supplement would begin to kick in about three to four hours later, decreasing their appetite as they approach their next meal."

source: femalenetwork.com

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Weight Gain and Aging: How to Fight Back

A study of weight gain prevention in 284 women showed that women who maintained a healthy weight over a three-year period were more likely to:

* Carefully monitor food intake
* Avoid a loss of control of their diet (binging, for example)
* Not feel hungry

The strategies for combating weight gain as you age are the same you've used before:

* Count your calories
* Eat a hunger-busting diet rich in fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats
* Keep fat intake below 30 percent of your calories
* Be physically active, at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week (more if possible)

Wednesday 23 November 2011

10 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Are you a morning person? If not, let me reiterate that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So please don't skip that.

Here are some yummy treats that you could enjoy for a superb breakfast.

1. Build on a healthy cereal.
Top a high-fiber cereal with a sprinkle of granola, bananas, and low-fat milk or plain yogurt. This combination provides good fiber and protein intake, plus calcium and potassium.

2. Get off to a berry good start.
Another possibility for breakfast is berries and low-fat Greek-style yogurt with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of toasted sliced almonds. These foods are high in protein and volume, which can help you feel full longer.

3. Take your nutrition to go.
Smoothies are another smart choice when made with Greek-style low-fat yogurt, berries, and a touch of sugar. It’s a meal that’s high in protein, dairy, and volume, and it’s very portable if you’re in a hurry.

4. Get a good “warm-up.
Microwave 1/4 cup each of instant oatmeal and coarse wheat bran with a cup of 1 percent milk. Served with berries and a little maple syrup, it’s the perfect start to the day with plenty of fiber and volume.

5. Don’t skip the eggs.
Hot breakfasts extend the range of possibilities. Scrambled eggs — one whole egg and one egg white — along with a piece of whole-wheat toast, lightly buttered, and some fruit on the side are high in protein and volume and make a great combination.

6. Wrap up some burritos.
Breakfast burritos can spice up your morning meal. Use the same scrambled egg recipe as in No. 5 as the filling for a low-carb, whole- wheat (for extra fiber) wrap along with some salsa, low-fat sour cream, and a sprinkle of cheese.

7. Call on cottage cheese.
Cottage cheese along with fruit or nuts can be a good breakfast choice that’s high in protein plus some calcium. Look for cottage cheese brands that offer extra fiber.

8. Ham it up.
Even ham and eggs can be healthy when using one whole egg and one egg white in the scramble and two slices of lean Canadian bacon. Add half a grapefruit on the side and it’s a meal full of protein, fiber, and vitamin C.

9. Don’t rule out a.m. vegetables.
You can enjoy veggies with breakfast if you add them to some eggs. Dr. Roberts suggests cooking one and a half cups of sliced button mushrooms or one cup of lightly steamed vegetables (like broccoli or spinach), two beaten eggs, salt, and freshly ground pepper in a non-stick pan with one-half teaspoon of tub margarine. Add a dollop of ketchup, if desired.

10. Think whole grain.
Whole-grain English muffins with peanut butter or another nut butter and sliced fruit like apples or pears, along with a glass of milk, can be filling while providing protein and calcium.

source: diet and healthy

Friday 18 November 2011

5 Foods for Glowing Skin

Why not include this in your beauty regimen? These are not only healthy and nutritious but also can beat any beauty regimen that you have now. Of course, don't forget to exercise - That's a BONUS Tip.

Sweet Potatoes
Keep your skin silky smooth by including sweet potatoes in your diet. They are rich in beta-carotene and, when ingested, are converted into vitamin A, a prime factor in keeping skin touchably soft, says Lisa Drayer, MA, RD, and nutritionist. Not a potato person? Carrots will do the trick, too.

Any food with lots of vitamin C, like kiwi, oranges, and grapefruit, is a big skin saver, according to Drayer. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis and protects against wrinkles. In a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, women who had a diet high in vitamin C foods had noticeably less dryness and fewer wrinkles.

Dark Chocolate
Dark chocolate.This has to be too good to be true, right? Wrong! Drayer says enjoying a small piece of dark chocolate will provide high levels of cocoa flavanols, which have been associated with softer, more hydrated skin. Notice we said small. Eating a jumbo Hershey's bar probably won't make you look or feel very good after the fact.

Yogurt makes your skin and nails glow, according to Paula Simpson, international nutritionist and beauty expert. It's a good source of protein and has been found in clinical studies to help stimulate fat metabolism and whittle your waistline. An added bonus: Drayer says thanks to the biotin found in yogurt, it helps increase nail strength.

Nuts and Seeds
Snack on some almonds or sunflower seeds, says Robyn Flipse, MS, RD. They contain anti-inflammatory and immunity-enhancing nutrients, including vitamin E, that help reduce skin flare-ups.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

How Does Stretching and Yoga Helps?

Chronic back pain is hardly life-threatening, but it’s an evil we can all do without. Thankfully, a study reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine reveals that there are now ways to treat or, at least, minimize chronic back pain without emptying your bank account.

In an effort to determine which method would have the most effect on chronic back pain, the researchers studied 228 adults who all suffered from back pain, randomly dividing them into three groups. Each group was assigned a method to work with for a specific span of time. One group (91 participants) was tasked with doing yoga once a week for 12 weeks. Another group (92 participants) was tasked to attend stretching classes once a week for 12 weeks. The last group (45 participants) was, in turn, given the self-help book method of treatment.

Which group do you think fared the best?

Upon analysis of the results, the researchers found out that all three methods had, in varying degrees, contributed to minimizing chronic back pain. Between those who did yoga and those who performed stretching exercises, there appeared to be “no statistically or clinically significant differences” at all. However, both groups did turn out to be surperior over the last group, which only relied on a self-help book.

Apparently, the two methods’ advantage over the self-help solution was their physical component. According to the researchers, “physical activity involving stretching, regardless of whether it is achieved using yoga or more conventional exercises, has moderate benefits in individuals with moderately impairing low back pain. Finding similar effects for both approaches suggests that yoga's benefits were largely attributable to the physical benefits of stretching and strengthening the muscles and not to its mental components."

So whether you choose yoga or stretching, the point is to get moving. Chronic back pain is something anyone can deal with but it’s not something you have to live with.


Wednesday 9 November 2011

Pace Your Eating Habits

Here's a reminder for both you and your family members. Decrease your portion size, but eat more often. Many fast-food joints offer value meals that include food we don’t need, like soda.

Fast-food fare has concentrated calories that create denser energy you must sweat off. Don’t go for second servings. Avoid the promos offering larger sizes at discounted rates; these only make you eat more.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Take Breakfast Seriously

Make sure your hubby and kids have full bellies before they leave the house each morning. Breakfast is a signal to the body to return to digesting food properly. If you continue with the fast from the previous night’s meal, the body takes that as a sign to store more fat.

Missing breakfast also means denying the body a certain amount of energy, making it less efficient. And remember that when we’re ravenous, we tend to eat larger portions of food.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

What's in Your Gym Bag?

Whether you exercise at the gym, outdoors, or in the comfort of your home, choosing the right exercise gear should be a priority. Why? Wearing workout-specific sneakers and clothing will not only lower your risk of injury, it will also keep you comfortable and make working out a more enjoyable experience. Check out our list of useful workout gear.

1. Sport-Specific Sneakers. Choose the appropriate athletic shoe for your workout to help prevent injuries, such as blisters and shin splints. For example, if you're a walker, be sure to purchase walking sneakers, which are flexible and relatively flat. If you're doing cross training, buy shoes that are sturdier. Make sure to try on workout sneakers with the socks that you plan to exercise in. For more on socks, see number 4 below.

2. Breathable Workout Clothing. The clothes you wear while exercising are just as important as what you wear on your feet. Workout clothing should provide both comfort and coverage and be made of a material that's lightweight and breathable. Your best bet? Exercise apparel that is made with special moisture-wicking fabrics will keep you cool and dry. Safety can be important as well, especially if you enjoy walking or jogging outdoors early in the morning or in the evening. Wear colorful or light-colored workout clothing with reflective material to stay visible.

3. Supportive Sports Bra. Attention ladies: A good sports bra is a must! Some workout shirts have built-in sports bras, but if they don't, or you're bigger-breasted, be sure to choose a supportive bra that has a T-back or racer-back design to keep the straps from slipping off your shoulders. Many sports bras also come with special venting systems and are made with wicking material to soak up sweat while you work out.

4. Synthetic Socks. Choose synthetic socks over cotton ones because they soak up moisture and keep your feet dry and blister-free.

5. Reusable Water Bottle. It's essential that you stay hydrated while exercising - and that's true not just in hot weather. Drink some water before you start your workout and sip from your water bottle as needed during exercise to prevent dehydration and loss of electrolytes.

6. MP3 Player and Pedometer. Listening to music can help keep you motivated as you're exercising. Some portable music devices now include a built-in stopwatch and pedometer that records the number of steps, distance, pace, time, and calories burned during a workout.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Tofu Recipes to Try

Rich in protein and low in fat, this vegetarian-friendly food is actually versatile. There are two types of tofu: silken, a softer form of tofu that is often used in dips, spreads and tofu ice cream, and firm. Silken is while firm tofu is a great meat substitute that can be stir-fried, grilled, baked, or steamed. Here are 10.

Go Mex!
Pack a hefty Tex-Mex Fajitas stuffed with spiced-up soft tofu, fresh avocadoes, and hot salsa for that etra kick. Arriba!

Filling and flavorful!
This Chinese-inspired Shar's Spicy Tofu on Rice with ground pork has always been YUMMY Biz Whiz's go-to recipe for cooking demos. Bowl over this!

Soba, so good!
Having a rough day? This hearty Soba Soup with Crunchy Tofu Squares has floaters of squid balls and shiitake mushrooms, too. Great for rainy days!

Fresh is best!
The secret to a successful Tofu with Pea Shoots, Bean Sprouts, and Edamame is the chicken stock that the soft and fresh tofu seeps through during simmering. Oh, it's healthy too!

Tuesday 25 October 2011

25 Best Ever Weight Loss Tips

1. Turn off the screen
Getting away from your desk to eat lunch will help keep your stomach trim. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found those who ate their lunch at their desks ate twice as many calories than those without work distractions. Memory, the research shows, is vital to modulating appetite, and eating while distracted impairs your brain's ability to process calorie intake, so take fifteen minutes out to focus solely on your food to curb cravings.

2. Skip that second drink
Apart from the empty calories there is another reason why you shouldn't imbibe too many alcoholic drinks. Knocking back the equivalent of two glasses of wine (or two beers or two mixed drinks) slows down your fat burning by a massive 73%. According to researchers at the University of California this is because your liver converts the booze into acetate. . Consequently, when acetate levels rise, your body simply burns more acetate, and less fat. In essence, acetate pushes fat to the back of the queue.

3. Eat breakfast (always)
Skipping breakfast sends your body into starvation mode, so your metabolism slows right down to conserve energy. So what breakfast treats should you be eating that are slow to digest and leave you feeling fuller for longer? Try a mix of lean protein with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats - such as an egg white omelet and half a cup of oats mixed with a quarter cup of frozen berries followed by a teaspoon of omega-3 loaded fish oil.

4. Sip java
Make sure you don't skip your morning trip to Starbucks, as a cup of the coffee can increase your metabolic rate by up to 16%, according to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system by increasing your heart rate and breathing. Just make sure you skip the sugar and opt for a straight filter coffee.

5. Eat dessert
No really. "A small amount can signal that the meal is over," says Barbara Rolls, author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan. This doesn't give you carte blanche to end your meal with a massive cream cake though - it is recommended that you end your meal with a small piece of high-quality dark chocolate.

6. Paint it blue
If possible eat your dinner in a blue room; the colour is meant to be a natural appetite suppressant. Blue lights make food look less appealing, while warmer colours such as yellow have the opposite effect. Fast food restaurants have known this for years - which is why almost all of them have yellowish interiors - they want you to consume more food.

7. Go further with Fartlek
Fartlek involves jogging for 1min 30 seconds followed by running hard for 30 seconds, and decreasing the recovery jog by 15 seconds each time and you don't need a treadmill to reap the rewards of this Fartlek-style running. Simply pick a landmark - for example a tree, lamp-post, or phone box - and run to it hard, then jog for a few seconds until you've recovered, then pick another landmark and so on. This random approach tricks your metabolism into working harder, and actually burns more fat then just running at a continuous pace.

8. Pop pills
If you combine regular exercise with fish-oil supplements, it increases the activity of your fat-burning enzymes according to a report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Look for brands containing at least 300 milligrams of the fatty acid EPA and 200 milligrams of the fatty acid DHA per capsule and pop two of these two hours before your workout.

9. Keep a food diary if you want to drop the fat.
In their 2008 survey of 1,685 overweight or obese adults, investigators at the Kaiser Permanente Centre for Health Research in the US found the most powerful predictor of a subject's ability to lose weight was how many days per week they kept their food diary. Focus on portion size especially and you'll be surprised how much you overeat. Remember, a 'portion' of veg is the size of your fist or a tennis ball; a portion of rice or pasta should fit on the palm of your hand; a portion of meat should be no bigger than a pack of cards.

10. Picture yourself
Keep a picture of yourself on your refrigerator door at both your original and current weight. Or hang photos of women who inspire you. Either way, every time you reach for a bite, you'll see a reminder of why you should stick with healthy foods.

11. Eat half a grapefruit
Maybe there is something in the grapefruit diet after all. Scripps Clinic researchers found that half a grapefruit before each meal helped dieters to lose between 3.3 and 10 pounds over the course of 12 weeks. The scientists are not sure why this works as the same amount of calories were being eaten, but they think that it may have some sort of fat-burning effect. At only 39 calories per half it's definitely worth a shot.

12. Go green
Green tea has been called deemed a 'metabolism potion' and it's not hard to see why. It contains a plant compound called ECGX which helps promote fat burning. According to research, consuming two to four cups of the green stuff per day could help you burn an extra 50 calories a day.

13. Burn extra calories by chewing gum
A study published in the journal Appetite found that gum-chewers ate 36% fewer calories each time they snacked because their appetite had been sated. Chewing gum burns eleven extra calories per hour. That's 19% more calories than just sitting in front of your computer screen. While that doesn't sound like a lot, if you chew for four hours daily it adds up to 4.5lbs per year. And that's without counting the calorie savings from the snacks you're not eating

14. Grab some metal
Your period can throw a spanner into your metabolic machine every month as you lose iron during menstruation which is the mineral that helps carry oxygen to your muscles. If your muscles don't get enough O2 your metabolism starts to slow down, so stock up on iron-rich foods such as spinach and broccoli every month.

15. Drink milk
Here's a way to feel better about having the occasional off-day. Wash your meal down with a glass of skimmed milk. According to the University of Copenhagen, calcium may help reduce the amount of saturated fat your body absorbs by up to 80 calories. Like fibre, calcium binds with fat molecules and helps flush them out through the intestine. Supplements don't have the same effect.

16. Make a stand
When you talk on the phone, get to your feet and stand for the duration of it. You won't think of it as exercise, but it can help you burn as much as 54 calories for every 20-minute conversation. Just an alteration that burns as little as 100 calories a day can start you on the road to weight loss.

17. Eat with your other hand
Picking up a fork with the hand you don't usually use automatically slows you down and makes you focus on your meal, meaning you will consume it slower and will be therefore less likely to overeat. Studies have also shown that with regular practice, this kind of switch can also increase your overall willpower, meaning if you're offered a cookie by a work colleague you are more likely to say no

18. Follow a plate pattern
Make sure your evening meal follows this ratio, one quarter of your plate should be lean protein like poultry, fish or eggs. The rest should be plant food. And make sure your veggies are a diverse mix of colours - as each colour signifies a different nutrient. This will guarantee you eat a well-balanced and nutrient-rich meal every evening.

19. Run to feel fuller
Exercising to lose weight may not be the most revolutionary notion but Brazilian scientists have found that exercise heightens the activity of your neurons that control feelings of fullness; ensuring you eat slowly and steadily. A 30-minute pre-work jog may leave you desperate for breakfast but it'll also stop you reaching for the sweet jar later on.

20. Go fish
Eat more of Nemo's pals to lose weight. Fatty fish like tuna and salmon are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which quash hunger. Healthy fats trigger the "I'm full" signal to your brain quicker according to the National Institutes of Health, meaning you are less likely to overeat.

21. Get an early night
If you're not getting enough Zzzs you're throwing off the amounts of appetite-regulating hormones that your body produces. According to researchers at Stanford University people who hit the sack for less than 7.5 hours per night experienced an increase in the Body Mass Index (BMI). So make sure you hit that snooze button.

22. Downsize your plate
You might think you look daft but eat your food off a saucer-sized plate (about 6 inches in diameter) but keeping it small can help you lose weight. A study from Cornell University found that people who ate off smaller plates believed they were eating an average of 18% more calories than they actually were. Those eating off dinner plates were under no such illusions - proving you really do eat with your eyes, not your stomach.

23. Take the stairs
Use stairs instead of escalators, get off the bus one stop earlier and leave the car at home for short trips. University of Virginia studies show you can lose weight four times quicker by adding light bursts of exercise - up to 30 minutes in total - to your daily schedule.

24. Pack protein in your packed lunch
Cramming protein into every meal helps build and maintain lean muscle mass. Muscle burns more calories than fat does, even at rest. Protein is also more satiating than fats or carbs (aim for about 30 grams of protein at each meal), and the best source? Turkey. It has the fewest calories per ounce of any animal protein and contains the amino acid leucine, which keeps the metabolism running at full speed.

25. Guzzle ice cold water
Chase your morning coffee with a glass of ice-cold H2O. Researchers at the University of Utah found that volunteers who drank eight to 12 glasses of water a day had higher metabolic rates than those who only drank four. Keeping it ice-cold also helps stoke your metabolism as your body has to burn more calories to heat the liquid up to core temperature.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Easy Exercises at Home and Work

With a hectic work schedule followed by demands at home, it may be hard to squeeze in a trip to the gym. The good news is any kind of movement can be considered activity and will burn calories.

Try these ways to incorporate easy exercises into your day:

* Park in the back of the parking lot so that you have to walk a little farther to your destination. For an added workout, carry your groceries instead of pushing them in a cart.

* Give your house a really good cleaning. To burn even more calories, sing and dance while you work.

* When you have a choice, use stairs instead of an escalator or elevator. Try to climb stairs quickly instead of taking your time.

* When feasible, walk instead of driving, taking a train, or riding the bus.

* Getting antsy in your chair at work? Fidgeting is fine — and burns calories.

* Use an exercise ball instead of a chair. It forces you to continually contract your core muscles in the abdomen and back to stay balanced.

* Play with your kids — tag is a great game to get the heart pumping.

* Laugh, jump up and down, dance, and just enjoy life.

Exercise doesn't have to be one more chore on your to-do list or something that you dread. Make better choices throughout each day to help you move a little more, and your heart will reap the benefits.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

The Importance of Core-Strengthening

Think fast: What’s your favorite type of exercise? If you’re like most people, cardio is at the top of your list. But focusing too much on cardio while neglecting core-strengthening exercises can result in weak core muscles and poor flexibility — and that can increase your chances of getting hurt. Even those who do conventional weight lifting may be vulnerable to injury, since this type of exercise tends to isolate muscle groups and neglect those all-important core muscles.

Here’s more on the benefits of functional fitness:

1) It will strengthen your core muscles.
Functional exercises require you to use several muscle groups in one fluid movement. This will strengthen and develop the muscles in the back, abdomen, pelvis, and hips, and promote stability and flexibility — all essential for preventing injury and helping you maintain a healthy weight.

2) It will tone your muscles and improve bone density.
Even if you're diligent about cardio workouts, you need core-strengthening exercises to further improve muscle tone and bone density. Combining a cardio routine with core training will not only make you stronger, it will also help promote good posture and balance.

3) No expensive equipment needed!
The best part? Incorporating core exercise into your exercise regimen doesn’t require you to buy fancy, expensive equipment like balance boards and pulley-type machines to see results. We recommend the following:

* A bench or a chair without arms
* A mat or thick towel to protect your back and knees during floor exercises
* Light hand weights
* An exercise step, also called an aerobic step or a home-exercise workout step

source: diet and nutrition

Saturday 15 October 2011

Body Fat Calculator

No doubt the number on the scale is important, but so is knowing your percentage of body fat. By itself, body fat is not the enemy: After all, body fat serves a purpose. It stores energy, controls body temperature, and protects organs. The problem is excess body fat, which leads to obesity. Overweight or obese individuals are at increased risk for health conditions like heart disease, diabetes, osteoarthritis, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and several other cancers.

Using a body-fat calculator can help you determine whether you're overweight or obese and at risk for these health conditions, and then spur you to take action to get healthy.

There are many methods of calculating body fat. You can take measurements, get the formula, and then do the math with pencil and paper. Or you take a shortcut and use an online tool, such as the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator, based on the U.S. Navy Circumference Method, which tallies your body-fat percentage using the measurements of your neck, waist, and hips along with your height and gender. With this information you'll have a solid knowledge of your body-fat percentage.

Another way to determine the percentage of your body fat is to use measurements of a device called a body-fat caliper, which measures fat on the chest, biceps, abdomen, thigh, calf, triceps, waist, hips, and lower back and then calculates your overall body fat. Still another way is to use a body-fat scale, a device that passes a harmless current through your body to determine your body-fat percentage.

Doctors may use other, more-complex methods of measuring body fat. Some of the most popular of these are: DEXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry) which uses x-rays to scan the body; NIR (Near Infrared Interactance), a process where a fiber-optic tool is used to determine body fat composition; and Hydrodensitometry Weighing, which requires comparing the weight of someone in - and out - of water.

Still, the simplest tool is the Body Fat Calculator, which we provide on My Calorie Counter. It follows the U.S. Navy Circumference Method, along with guidelines from the World Health Organization and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). This is how the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator works:
Be sure to take your measurements as accurately as possible. Get someone to help if you can.

Here are some quick tips:

* Use a cloth measuring tape.
* Be sure to measure your height with your shoes off.
* Measure the circumference of the neck from below the larynx with the tape sloping slightly down to the front.
* Women should measure their hips around the widest point.
* Finally, the NIH recommends that the best way to measure your waist size is to stand, then exhale completely, and place the tape measure around your middle, just above the hips.

So now that you've determined your body-fat percentage using the My Calorie Counter Body Fat Calculator, what should you do? Consult with My Calorie Counter's Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Calculator to see how many calories you need to eat. If you're looking to lower your body-fat percentage, try the NIH's tips for lowering your body-fat percentage. It recommends following a healthy eating plan, focusing on portion size, being active, regularly measuring your BMI, and taking a break from the TV or computer.

You'll find great tools to help control and track your weight on My Calorie Counter. In addition to using our calculators to learn your basal metabolic rate and body-fat percentage, you can also use the site's Body Mass Index Calculator to easily determine your body mass index. You'll have all the basic starting information at hand so you won't need to waste another minute before beginning your weight-loss journey.

Body Fat Percentage Charts for Females and Males




Healthy Range



20-40 yrs

Under 21%



Over 39%

41-60 yrs

Under 23%



Over 40%

61-79 yrs

Under 24%



Over 42%




Healthy Range



20-40 yrs

Under 8%



Over 25%

41-60 yrs

Under 11%



Over 27%

61-79 yrs

Under 13%



Over 30%

* Source - World Health Organization and National Institutes of Health