Monday 26 October 2009

How Healthy Are You?

Want to check out how well you manage your energy balance? Then be brave and face up to our quiz.

Want to make some changes? This is the place to start.

Take the quiz

Just some simple changes to your activity and food choices can make all the difference. So if you want to:

* look and feel fab
* feel more energetic
* have healthy skin
* concentrate better at school, college, or work
* achieve healthier body shape

Check out the questions below to see how well you are doing.

1. Fruit and vegetables are great fillers. Do you:

A eat 5 or more portions of fruit and vegetables a day?
B eat vegetables or fruit at just one meal each day?
C rarely/never eat fruit and vegetables?

NB One portion is a handful of vegetables or a medium piece of fruit. Fresh, frozen, dried, canned fruit and vegetables all count as does a glass of juice.

2. Eating three meals a day is an important part of keeping healthy. Do you:

A always eat three main meals a day including breakfast?
B skip meals 1-4 times a week?
C skip breakfast or lunch everyday?

3. It’s OK to snack provided you get the balance right. Do you:

A eat a variety of snacks including fruit?
B snack regularly if you are hungry or not?
C only snack on chocolate, sweets and fizzy drinks during the day?

4. You need to be active to burn up excess energy and keep fit. Are you:

A active for at least an hour most days?
B active for an hour on only 2 or 3 days a week?
C most likely to spend your leisure time sitting indoors?

5. Taking care to balance your portion sizes is an important of managing your energy intake. How supersized are your portions? Do you:

A know when you have had enough to eat mealtimes and sometimes leave food on your plate?
B have to finish your meal even though you feel uncomfortably full?
C finish off your meal and start snacking within the hour?

6. Foods eaten “out” are often higher in energy than those eaten at home. Do you eat out (other than at school or college) or have takeaways:

A once, or less than once a week?
B 2 to 3 times a week?
C More often than 3 times a week?

How Healthy Are You?

You got 2 A’s, 0B’s and 0 C’s

If you answered mainly A’s

Well done, looks like you are making some really great choices to help you have and keep a healthy body. Check out the rest of this website for more ideas on healthy meals and snacks and ways to keep active.

If you answered mainly B’s

Rating more fruit and vegetables, exercising more regularly and eating three balanced meals everyday is great for energy balance, which helps you stay in shape. Try to keep active for at least an hour everyday even if it’s only walking to and from school, college or work everyday.

If you answered mainly C’s

Some simple changes to your eating and activity patterns are all that’s needed to set you on the right track towards a healthier energy balance. So if you want to get things under control check out the rest of this website for more advice.

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