Thursday 8 October 2009

Which Would You Choose?

I read an interesting story the other day and as the message behind the story is very important I have included an extract of it below for your benefit.

The writer of the story is a fitness trainer in America and was at a party at one of his friend's houses. It was a bbq and as usual there was lots of food and drink on offer.

The story goes on as follows:

But the thing I want to focus on from the party was the beverage situation. There were several coolers available, each containing different types of drinks. A couple of coolers housed varieties of fizzy drinks, another had diet pops, another was filled with wine coolers, and yet another was loaded with various types of beer.

And then there was the lone cooler of water. As the day wore on, the other coolers looked as though they had been ravaged by a pack of thirsty beasts, constantly being refilled by the host and hostess.

And there was that water cooler, all alone, seemingly untouched.

Every time I would go back to grab another water for myself or my family, it was as if it had never been opened. I didn't see it get refilled once...but why should it have been, with practically no one drinking any of its contents!

Now before you think to yourself, "hey, this was at a party, and people are not going to drink water at a party", think again. Yeah, people are going to indulge a little bit more at a party, but this mirrors the behavior and habits of the majority at all times, not just at parties.

People are not drinking enough water, period. Water is far too often looked at like the "black sheep" of the beverage family. We know it is good for us, but we'd rather pretend it's not there. And this is just for basic health issues, I'm not even talking about maximum fat burning.

If you desire to burn fat like a machine, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you must adopt the habit of drinking tons of water.

Water is so vital to the fat burning process for several reasons, with the most important one having to do with how your body metabolizes stored fat for energy.

Your liver is a primary mover in burning stored body fat for energy. If you are not well hydrated consistently throughout the day, your liver must shift its focus from burning stored body fat to assisting your kidneys. And this can happen just after a few minutes of being dehydrated.

So how do you know when you are dehydrated? The minute you get thirsty, you've already been dehydrated for several minutes. It should be obvious then, that you need to avoid thirst and keep a constant flow of water into your body if you desire consistent fat burning.

Before you think that you know all of this about water, and that I'm just an idiot for stating the obvious, how much water are you drinking really? honest. Are you drinking it consistently each and every day? Probably not.

This is such a huge point I can't emphasize strongly enough. I've had Fat Loss students that were paying close attention to almost every aspect of the Fat Loss system, but were still not satisfied with the results. After several queries back and forth, I found that they were not drinking nearly enough water, and not in the patterns I recommend.

Once they started doing this, the results were startling.

Energy was up, cravings for sweets were down, and they began to lose even more body fat. All because of the water recommendations I give.

Here's a quick but very vital tip:

If you think you can get enough water by drinking a few glasses during the day, good luck. With life's fast pace and unpredictability, you will be under armed and have little chance of succeeding in getting your water.

Instead, be smart, and get yourself a 1 litre water bottle. Carry it with you wherever you go. You'll get some strange looks from people, but they'll probably be fat and unhealthy, so don't worry.

Sip from it constantly throughout the day. When it's empty refill it. You'll be getting your share of water sooner and easier than you think. It seems simple, but is so powerful it can make all the difference.

And that brings up another point. Often, whether in fat loss or most anything else, there are one or two missing variables that once combined with the strategy you're using now, will make most, if not all of the difference in your success.

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