Wednesday 21 October 2009

Isle of Man Personal Trainer Reveals Secret To Losing 5lbs Or More This Week… WITHOUT Changing Your Diet Or Exercise (Or Spending a Single Penny)

If you think that losing weight is all about spending money, well you are wrong! There are ways on how to lose those extra pounds without breaking the bank.

Losing weight as they say is all in the mind. If you keep on munching those carbohydrates loaded with sugar, you will absolutely find it hard to lose weight. Although there are some people who are naturally born with a slim figure and no matter how much they eat, they could still maintain a nice toned tummy. Well, don’t blame them. Blame their hormones. It must be their hormones.

It’s about balancing the hormones that course through our veins every waking moment of our lives so that they work in our favour rather than against us.

And this first ’secret’ I’m going to share with you is about rebalancing one of the most important hormones of them all, the Cortisol.

Cortisol is called the “super hormone” or the “stress hormone”. It is an important hormone in the body, secreted by the adrenal glands and it is intended to help re-stabilize and rebalance the body when our system becomes overloaded with physical, emotional, and environmental stress.
Since this is produced by our bodies, this costs nothing, requires no pill, shakes, or powders.
Experts do believe that there is a big connection between cortisol and weight gain.

Whenever we are stressed, extra Cortisol is being produced by the body which causes the weight gain. The adrenal gland produces more Cortisol and releases sugar into the blood. This is all in preparation for fight or flight. With stress, the body creates the need for energy. This is where the belief in the connection of cortisol and weight gain comes into play.

There are numerous things you can do to re-balance your cortisol and one of which is by going to bed early.

Seriously, the most important thing you could possibly do to bring your Cortisol levels down is to immediately start to reboot your metabolism into fast fat burning mode and go to bed early.

Part of that rhythm naturally sees Cortisol reach its low point between about 10pm and 2am with a peak in growth hormone and testosterone/estrogen at the same time. This is a perfect design from a fat loss perspective as it allows for maximum muscle repair and growth (meaning increased metabolism) and minimal stress and breakdown (meaning slower metabolism).

The problem is, when you are habitually staying up late like watching TV or posting messages on facebook beyond 10.30pm, you’re causing your metabolism to shift the other way. Your Cortisol stays high, growth hormone stays low and your internal environment simply cannot do what it’s supposed to do in terms of efficient fat burning. So now, make it a habit to get to bed early.

Since we know that there’s a regimen on how to finally achieve the body you have always dreamed of; proper nutrition, exercise and a hormone rebalancing supplement, losing those extra five pounds is an easy assignment.

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