Thursday 7 October 2010

Apple and Water Intake

Both apple and water can do wonders for your skin. Pectin, a substance found mostly just beneath the skin of apples, helps get rid of toxins in the intestines. Thus, eating unpeeled apples can help improve your skin. But remember to wash your fruits under running water first to remove surface germs. The element of life, water, not only removes toxins from the body and digestive tract, it also hydrates your skin and your whole body, so get drink water as much as you can. It is essential for proper digestion, circulation and blood vessel flexibility as well. To get the full benefits of water, take at least seven to ten average sized glasses of water each day, but you can always take more than that amount! Carbonated drinks like sodas and some juices don’t count, since they contain carbon dioxide that the body considers a water product.

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