Monday 28 December 2009

Christmas Day Smart-Eating Strategies

Whether you’re hosting a family dinner or you get to be a guest at a friend’s holiday party, here are some smart-eating party strategies to help you stick to a healthy eating plan:

1. Eat a healthy snack before the party. Make sure to eat a friendly snack that includes some lean protein and fiber, such as a small handful of nuts or some low-fat cheese with celery sticks or a few whole-wheat crackers before you leave the house. This way you won’t be starving when you arrive at the party and you’ll be able to enjoy dinner or the buffet table without overindulging.

2. Be social and greet other guests. Whether you’re at a party or hosting one, mingle with friends or introduce yourself to someone you’ve never met. If you make a point to stay far away from the buffet table, you won’t be inclined to mindlessly nosh on foods while having a conversation.

3. Watch out for the drinks. It’s easy to head straight for the drinks when you’re trying to avoid overeating at a party, but it’s important to keep tabs on the amount of alcohol you’re drinking. Instead of having a mixed drink or cocktail, enjoy a glass of red wine, or if you like beer, choose the light variety. Or, alternate an alcoholic beverage with seltzer or water to stay properly hydrated. You can also add seltzer to your wine for a refreshing spritzer.

4. Consider all your options. Before you start digging randomly into tempting dishes at a party, look through all the available foods and decide which ones you’re going to enjoy and avoid. Indulge in the foods that you won’t see until the next holiday season.

5. Enlist support. Remind your family and friends that you are following a strict diet, so that they can encourage you to make healthy eating choices and stick to your goals.

6. Get some exercise. Before your yuletide gathering begins, head outdoors for a brisk 20-minute walk, hit the gym, or do a workout at home. Or round up your loved ones and take a group walk after dinner to take in the Christmas lights and decorations before enjoying dessert.


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