Wednesday 17 February 2010

Debunking Diet Fads

It has been yet another year where we witnessed the spawn of professional dieters. According to research, an estimated 80 million people experiment on diets every year.

But come on, give them a break.

After enduring the countless proportion-slashing, meat-avoiding, and meat-fasting habit, these guys deserve all respect and the acclamation.

The year 2009 paved way to a number of "fool-proof" diets that claims to be the best in sculpting those curves and burning those deposits of adipose tissue. Wuth that being said, let me enumerate some advertised diets in the previous year; why they become popular and more importantly, why they will never work.

Seven Day Elimination Diet: A sample lunch under this diet is carrot salad with ginger dressing. Moreover, it discourages preparing a meal with oil. Instead, everything should be steamed and you cannot intake any dairy, sugar, and processed foods.

The rationale is eliminate toxins from your body by replacing them with almost raw food to eat for seven days.

Sonoma Diet: Focuses on nuts, fruits, vegetables, whole grain, olive oil and fish.

Supposed to rejuvenate the body by eating foods with any kind of fat; free it from sugar and processed foods.

Requires someone to embark to a 10-day "toxin" purge.

The Step Diet:
From the name itself, this eating practice gives premium to walking.

On the nutritional side of it however, it suggests that a dieter cut up to 75 percent food intake; or simply cut back on how much you normally eat, while increasing your activity level.

At least for a week.

Volumetrics Eating Plan: According to thr proponents of this diet, people should classify foods based on their energy density.

They said that the fundamental requirement on a meal is for people to feel full. Ergo, low density foods such as fruits and vegetables, including soups and stews can help make you feel "full" without overloading your calorie intake.

South Beach Diet: The components of this diet itself is very sensible. You could eat regular meat, with loads of veggies and dressings on the side; nuts, fruits, eggs, and cheese. In fact, you can have your regular dose of sugars, sodas and sweets.

However, you have to veer away from bread, rice, potatoes, pasta or baked goods.

Fruits are not allowed either. Sweets such as candies, cookies, ice cream, sugar and rice are hands off. Alcohol? Definitely out.

For the 14 days.

Though I do know the single fact that would probably have me stoned: DIETS DO NOT, AND WILL NEVER WORK! Don't get me wrong, these diets are mostly likely backed up by years of research and possess a solid theoretical foundation. In the end, if one wishes to achieve a sound body and lifestyle, one must stop dieting.

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