Friday 12 February 2010

Exercising Safely

These pointers are good advice for everyone who exercises, regardless of age, conditioning, or intensity of exercise.

* Don't forget to warm up and cool down properly.

* Wait at least two hours after eating to exercise.

* Wait two or more days after having a cold to return to your exercise program.

* Always drink plenty of water.

* Slow your pace when the temperature rises above 70° F. When it tops 80° F, schedule your exercise sessions for early morning or evening, or consider walking in an air-conditioned place like a mall or on a treadmill at a gym. Slow down when going up hills.

* Dress in loose, comfortable clothing that's appropriate for the weather.

* Choose shoes that are designed for your type of exercise and replace them regularly. The cushioning built into jogging and walking shoes wears out in 6–12 months of steady use.

* Design an exercise program appropriate to your fitness level. If you're under a doctor's care, speak to him or her first to determine your limitations.

* Don't overexert. Listen to your body and cut back if you
are unable to finish your exercise session are unable to carry on a conversation while exercising feel faint after exercise feel fatigued during the day have difficulty sleepingsuffer aches and pains in your joints after exercising.

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