Monday 8 February 2010

Quick and Simple Ways to Work Out at Work

While a regular workout routine is an essential part of reaching your weight-loss goals, there will be times when your job or family obligations get in the way of exercising.

When busy with so many activities, try to get in a five- or ten-minute walk or simply incorporate more movement throughout the day. After all, some exercise is always better than none. If you can’t find time for fitness before or after work, here are seven tips to help you squeeze fitness into your workday.

1. Park farther away from the office, or get off public transportation at an earlier stop.

2. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, especially if you have just a few flights to climb.

3. Go for a walk during lunch. One way to do this is to skip your usual salad spot on the corner and find one a little farther away. If you bring your lunch to work, use the time you save buying lunch to take a walk around the block.

4. Walk over to coworkers’ desks when you need to chat with them or deliver messages rather than using e-mail or the phone.

5. Instead of meeting friends in the office or over lunch, meet to take a walk instead.

5. Use your headset or cell phone and walk around while talking on the phone.

6. Stretch occasionally while sitting at your desk or leave a light pair of weights at work and do some upper-body exercises.

See, that is simple!

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