Tuesday 21 December 2010

4 Ways to Handle Sweet Gifts

The holidays are a time for gift giving, and for many that translates to being on the receiving end of a tin of caramel-covered popcorn, a box of fudge, or a traditional fruitcake. If you already know that sugary sweets can lead to a vicious cycle of blood-sugar swings and cravings for more.
That's not to say you can't indulge a little.

It helps to have an action plan in place before the edible gifts start to arrive. Here are some pointers:

Share It: Find a festive serving platter, and bring any tempting sweets you received to the next holiday party, where they can be shared and enjoyed by other partygoers. Or bring the goodies into the office and share with your coworkers.

Swap It: Consider a gift swap with a family member or friend. Did your neighbor receive a carton of fresh citrus fruits? Perhaps she'd be willing to trade it for your fancy box of petits fours.

Nip It in the Bud: If you can, plan a preemptive strike — drop hints to your family and close friends. Is there something special you've had your eye on? Tell your aunt you've been admiring the latest wine opener — then hope that she takes the hint and sends it to you in lieu of her traditional candy tower!

Enjoy in Moderation: Remember that the holidays come but once a year. It's okay to allow yourself a few bites of your favorite holiday pie or, best of all, a little dark chocolate (which has antioxidants that are good for your heart!) — as long as the rest of your meals and snacks are diet friendly. If you continue to follow the plan — which includes regular exercise — as best you can during the holiday season, you'll stay on track and avoid those excess holiday pounds.

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