Tuesday 8 June 2010

Buid Your Biceps with Chinups

There's an old saying among fitness pros: "If you can't complete at least 10 chinups, you have no business doing an arm curls". That's because chinups work your biceps as hard as arm curls do, but they also help build upper-body strength. So if you're too weak to do several reps of the chinup, you should expend more energy training your entire upper body and less on one specific muscle group. Once you can do 10 chinups, though, you can strategically use the chinup to boost the size of your biceps.

Directions: Grab a chinup bar with an underhand grip, your hands about six inches apart. Now pull your chest to the bar as if you were doing regular chinup. However, as you lower your body after your sixth repetition, pause for three seconds at three different positions: once when your elbows are bent at less than 90 degrees; once when they're bent at exactly 90 degrees; and once when they're bent at more than 90 degrees. Do this for as many additional repetitions as you can. Rest for 60 seconds, and do one more set.

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