Tuesday 29 June 2010

Summer Partying and Effects

Warm weather up ahead! Summer is at our fingertips, and the first of its sizzling shindigs have already sent out their Facebook invites. It’s party time! Aren’t you excited?

But consider this: the things about summer parties that have us elatedly dancing on ledges the night before are what also get us belatedly banging our heads on desks the morning after. Let’s face it—with great revelry comes great irresponsibility, and we’ve all been a little reckless in the heat of the season. To avoid a repeat of last summer’s mistakes, here’s a list of the party hazards you could possibly encounter—and preferably prevent.

Brace yourself for the splitting headaches and energy-sucking dehydration that have little to do with the hot weather. Hangovers, formally known as veisalgia, are almost always a given after an all-night alcohol-fest—with the nausea, loss of appetite, and mind-numbing fatigue that come with them lasting way longer than the handful of hours you guzzled away.

But if the promise of a day-long migraine isn’t quite enough to make you lay off the liquor. Before drinking, eat a full meal to slow down your body’s rate of alcohol absorption, and drink a lot of water to hydrate your system pre-happy hour. Also, stick with one drink, as mixing different liquors will increase the amount of hangover-triggering toxins in your body.

Your skin is always hit hard by any hard-partying practices. Not getting enough sleep due to a get-together gone long usually leads to dark circles and the inevitable acne. Blemishes resulting from smoking and especially drinking are also prevalent, including red or blotchy skin and puffiness under the eyes.

Admit it: your self-control plummets when you’re at a party. Carbs and cocktails become harder to resist when you use the excuse that you’re out and about, anyway. Don’t get caught in the trap of carelessness! Think about the “beachbod” that you’ve slaved for at gym all year—that “one last bottle” could spoil it with a beer belly; that “one last fry” could (literally) tip the scale. But if you can’t stop yourself from feasting at your summer fetes, then at least balance out the binge with some conditioning the next day. Roll out your yoga mat or go or a jog; forego the comfort food for some crisp green salad. It won’t be wasted on your waistline.

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