Tuesday 19 January 2010

You Can’t Lose Fat Eating These

What were you thinking if you keep on eating food that makes you heavy and large?

As a fitness trainer, I always say that everything should be balance; from exercise workout routine up to nutrition. When I say diet or food, we should follow a 90/10 rule – eat clean 90% of the time and “let the reins out” the other 10% of the time. In numbers that means if we’re eating 5 meals each day, with 7 days in a week, that’s 35 meals total. With 10% of the meals being “relax” meals, that is about 4 meals each week. Aim this goal and you’ll never struggle with your body weight again.

Alternatively, there are 3 foods that will totally interfere with your goal of getting lean.

Bagels. This type of bread product is a nutritional disaster. Bagels are even worse than donuts because when digested it is converted to glucocon which your liver turns into glucose. If you're not burning off a lot of energy at the time, the blood glucose is converted to fat. IF you're dieting or trying not to gain weight, stay away from the bagels.

Bagels are refined carbohydrates, packing in 350+ calories WITHOUT anything added to them.

Salad Toppings. There’s a big fallacy about salads. A lot of people think that all salads are created alike and that salad is the best way to get rid of unwanted pounds. Salads can be healthy, but of course you have to make some smart choices especially with its ingredients.

When your salad is loaded with high-calorie dressings (~300 calories), fried chicken strips (350 calories), bacon (125 calories), cheese (225 calories), and croutons (125 calories), you’ve just turned your salad to a nutritional disaster.

If you are making your own salad, be sure that it is healthy and nutritious that can both serve as a main dish or a side salad.

Smoothies. If you feel like cheating sometimes, making a home-made smoothie is a good idea. Just imagine a store-bought smoothie can contain up to 2000 calories and many others are well above 500.

In making your own version, make sure to use fresh fruits, some Greek or low fat yogurt, and a splash of juice or skim milk.

Keep in mind that in order to achieve your goals this 2010, learn by heart the 90/10 rule. Stick to nutrition basics, keep up a nice balanced exercise routine and you’ll be well on your way to permanent success.

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