Thursday 12 November 2009

Women Will Start Christmas Diets Today

With the party season fast approaching, six out of ten women will embark on a regime to get their body in shape in time to fit into their glitzy outfit.

Researchers have pinpointed today as the serious start of the Christmas Party Diets across the country.

The study also found around 58 per cent of women plan to shed some pounds before their office party to make sure they are looking their best.

But they are facing a tough few weeks as the report revealed the average dieter wants to lose an average of 10lbs by the start of the festive season.

A spokesman for British Lion eggs, which carried out the research, said that eggs for breakfast would help women stay trim. Research from Surrey University earlier this year debunked the "myth" that eating eggs increased people's cholesterol level.

"The Christmas party has become one of the biggest events of the year, and for many, it's an ideal time to impress a male colleague to be the envy of your female workmates," he said.

"So while January is well-known to be the time Britons detox to try to undo the Christmas indulgence, this study shows that women are also dieting in the run-up to festive season as well.

"But simply cutting food out won't work. The best way to lose weight is to eat sensibly and have three balanced meals a day, particularly breakfast.

"Research shows that eating eggs for breakfast can help to keep you feeling fuller for longer and therefore can help with weight management."

While 71 per cent will eat a healthy balanced diet to shed the pounds, almost one in ten plan to skip the odd meal completely.

Another four per cent will cut out breakfast from their daily routine.

The poll of 3,000 women revealed 14 per cent even buy their party outfit in a size they know is too small in the hope they will fit into it by the time the big event arrives.

But more than half of those have had to buy an emergency outfit after failing to lose the weight in time.

And despite the hard work that goes into getting into shape for their party, 21 per cent of those who usually diet in the run-up to Christmas say they normally always put the weight straight back on during the festive period.

Another 17 per cent have usually gone back to their pre-diet size once the New Year is under way.

Researchers also found that the majority of women (62 per cent) diet in the run-up to Christmas simply to feel more confident in their appearance, while 56 per cent say they want to lose weight anyway and think Christmas is a good target to aim for.

More than one in ten admit they diet just to impress a man at their Christmas party.


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