Wednesday 28 April 2010

Diet and Fitness Tips

A healthy diet and the right fitness routine are key to looking and feeling healthier. The key to achieving a healthy body is having a plan. When you have a plan for fitness and nutrition, you’re more likely to stick to it.

Here are some strategies your diet and fitness plan can include:

* Eat five meals a day. It’s better to have five or six small meals a day than to skip meals or eat only two or three larger ones.

* Make healthy menu choices. A healthy diet is one that emphasizes fruits and vegetables. To help curb hunger, have some protein at every meal, such as fish, chicken, and lean meats. Include some low- or non-fat dairy products such as fat-free milk or low-fat yogurt two or three times a day. Grill, bake, or broil your foods rather than frying them in fat. If you plan your meals around these healthy foods and leave out choices with empty calories, such as soda and chips, you’ll be better able to maintain a healthy weight.

* Plan menus a week at a time. It’s easier to follow a healthy diet when you have the proper foods to cook with at home. If you’re busy during the week, prepare meals and snacks during the weekend and freeze weekday meals. That way you’ll control your portion sizes and also have healthy, low-calorie foods ready for taking to work or when you’re short on time.

* Schedule aerobic exercise. Beginners should start with at least 20minutes of aerobic exercise — such as walking, jogging, biking, rollerblading, or dancing — three times a week. As you build stamina, you can increase to 30 minutes and work up to 60 minutes.

* Find a friend. Partner with someone who is also motivated to be swimsuit-ready come summer. You will get better results if you exercise with a friend. This not only gives you camaraderie, but can provide some healthy competition.

* Weigh in. Every two weeks, weigh yourself first thing in the morning. Step on the scale after using the bathroom, and weigh yourself without clothes to accurately chart your progress. Watching your weight on the scale go down can be very motivating. However, it’s possible that you’ll lose body fat but not overall weight, so get a tape measure and wrap it around your waist at your belly button to assess your progress.


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