Friday 23 April 2010

Ways To Inject Fun In Your Fitness Routine

1) Play Gym RAT. Holding a four-pound medicine ball, lie on the floor, arms stretched behind your head and knees bent. Keeping your arms straight, curl up and toss the ball to a aprtner in the same position 10 feet away. She catches the ball, lowers herself to the floor, curls back up, and tosses it back to you. The first to miss gets an R- and the first to get RAT buys the post-workout smoothie.

2) Head-to-Head High Fives.Get into the top of a pushup position. have your gym buddy get in the same position facing you. Together, lift your right arms and give each other a high five. Alternate arms as many times as you can. Cheer each other on to do a few more reps each week.

3)Bet the burn.Get on a treadmill or a stationary bike next to a friend. Throw your towels over the display screens. Decide together how long you'll run or ride, then guess how many calories the other will burn during that time. Reveal your displays at the end; the person who comes closest rules.

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